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Archived Blog Posts

Winter Is Coming, Fort Worth! | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

12/1/2022 (Permalink)

Hot thermometer and cold thermometer Image showing the heat turned up high and the weather outside cold with thermometer visuals

This year, the first official day of winter is set for Dec. 21, and depending on where you live, this arrival could look extremely different.

Winter in areas like Fort Worth can go unnoticed since the only change we see is a drop in temperature, but in other places, winter starts off strong, and hazards like snow and ice don’t stop coming until the weather starts to warm up.

Regardless of where you reside, winter poses a particular set of risks that can harm your property and put your family outside in the cold (or rain…or fog…or, well, you get the idea).

Thankfully, you can safeguard your home and protect the ones you love when you are aware of all the threats winter creates.

Winter Around the Nation

Chilly, damp, wet and icy are all terms that have been used to characterize winter throughout the country and the side of the map you land on will influence what words get thrown around.

In areas of the Midwest and the East Coast, winter temperatures plummet to record lows and severe snow can be expected for most of the year. On the West Coast, temperatures stay moderate and rain is more of an issue than snowfall.

Although your location will affect how hard winter could hit your home, it’s smart to ready your home for the worst to reduce your risk of potential damage.

Winter Around Fort Worth

Unless our community experiences a Christmas miracle, you shouldn’t expect a blizzard in Fort Worth this winter. But freezing temperatures are not uncommon in Fort Worth, which has the most winter weather in any area in Texas.

Even if we aren’t hit by a snowstorm, there are still plenty of hazards you can prepare your home for in advance. Sleet, rain and ice are all capable of causing harm if your property is not protected from them.

Get Prepared

Learning about the various types of winter storms is one of the first steps in getting ready for whatever winter throws your way. Next, ensure you have two or more ways to stay weather aware. Make sure one of your sources is usable when you are without power, so you can stay updated even during an outage.

Preparing an emergency kit is another helpful way to stay ahead of winter weather. Think about keeping a kit in your vehicle, too, so you’ll have the essentials you need on the go.

Weatherproofing your windows and doors is a must no matter how frigid this winter gets. This can both cut your electric expenses as well as assist you in avoiding water damage brought on by excessive moisture.

To ensure your home is fully prepared for whatever this winter brings, address any roof damage, cut any branches hanging over your home, seal up any openings around your property and add insulation to your attic.

Stay warm, cozy and, most importantly, safe this winter by safeguarding your property. Reduce your risk of damage and give SERVPRO a call if winter gives you any trouble this year. We are available 247 to restore your home to its preloss state.

If you experience damage in a winter storm, call us. We have the experience and equipment to get your home back to normal.

Commercial Water Damage Could Put Your Company on Hold | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

11/21/2022 (Permalink)

Water Damage on Wood Floor Water Damage On Wood Flooring

Water can enter your business building through internal leaks in the roof or faulty plumbing, destroying your property and damaging your equipment and inventory. Another frequent source of water damage is natural disasters, which can often be even more destructive depending on how bad the conditions are.

Your Fort Worth business could run into flooding from heavy rain, hurricanes or droughts. Since our state is commonly referred to as “flash flood alley,” it’s crucial that businesses work to protect their buildings from these natural hazards.

Knowing how to react when water seeps into your workplace could protect your building from substantial damage. This guide can assist you in understanding how to swiftly deal with the problem so that it doesn’t spiral out of control.

Know Your Building’s Layout

It’s important that you know where the various water shutoffs are located around your building. Make sure you know where to find important spots like the main water cutoff valve and your fire sprinkler system so you can quickly shut them off when necessary.

Pass this information down to trusted members of your team and ensure they know where important areas like this are. In the event of a water emergency, it will be advantageous to have several people searching for and turning off the source so the issue may be resolved as soon and effectively as possible.

Know the Types of Water Involved

When dealing with water damage, the kind of water produced can help you establish the severity of your problem. Understanding what you’re handling will keep everyone in your building safe from harm:

White water: This kind of water is typically created after a plumbing failure. It is not regarded as contaminated and you should be safe to take care of it in small quantities.

Gray water: This kind of water is caused by clogged sink drains and overflowing toilet tanks. Even though the water is contaminated, it is not hazardous.

Black water: Frequently occurring origins of heavily contaminated black water include sewage overflows and storm flooding. You should always seek the help of a qualified professional to handle this water; never attempt to handle this water on your own.

Take Action Quickly

When water breaks out, try to find the source and shut it off as quickly as possible. Keep windows and doors open to allow for some ventilation so that the area can dry a little bit quicker. After that, designate any affected areas as off-limits and inform everyone inside the premises.

It’s a good idea to record any areas of your building that are noticeably damaged. This can make the insurance claims process quick and painless, and you’ll know what parts of your property require more strengthening.

Remember to Be Patient

The apparent water damage you’re dealing with might only be a small portion of an even bigger issue. There could be hidden water damage all around your commercial building.

No matter the source of your water damage, our team at SERVPRO of North Fort Worth can find a solution. Our professional restoration team can use advanced equipment to locate hidden water. After that, we can dry out your building and fix any remaining damage.

The severity of the damage will determine how long your restoration job will take, so try to be patient as our expert crew repairs your business. You and your team will be back to work in a safe, fully restored building in no time!

When disaster strikes your commercial property, we’ll be there to help clean up and get you back in business quickly. Reach out 247 to get started!

Rely on a Local Team for All of Your Restoration Needs | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

10/18/2022 (Permalink)

Servpro employees with SERVPRO van in background SERVPRO employees with SERVPRO van in background

Plenty of benefits come with hiring SERVPRO for all of your restoration needs. We provide a wide range of restoration services, including cleaning up and repairing damage from fire, water and storms.

When you discover mold growing in your house or place of business, we provide licensed mold remediation services to assist you to resolve the situation and protect your property. We also provide specialized services that can address issues like biohazardous materials or graffiti.

But the most important perk separates us from the competition: We are local!

Why is this so vital, and how does it separate us from other restoration companies? Let’s explore the benefits of a local team.

3 Reasons Being Locally Owned Is a Difference-Maker

You should assess a range of characteristics when hiring a restoration company, including reliability and a strong track record. However, you also need a neighboring provider. Here’s why it’s significant:

  1. We Can Respond Fast

There is no time to waste when a disaster strikes! Postponing repairs may lead to further damage, resulting in a pricey and lengthy repair process.

At SERVPRO of North Fort Worth, timeliness is a top priority! To handle your restoration demands, we’ll be available around the clock. Additionally, since we are nearby, we will be right on time!

  1. We’re Prepared for Local Weather Conditions

Since we operate right here in Fort Worth, we tune into the same weather reports you do. Our team prepares to respond when bad weather like flooding, hail storms and thunderstorms is predicted, so we can react quickly once the storm has passed.

Additionally, we are aware of the kinds of storms and weather patterns that often occur in our region, we know exactly how to recover local storm-damaged structures.

  1. We Know Fort Worth Front and Back

Some restoration providers will come from nearby states or cities and be clueless about the unique aspects of our town. With our team, you won’t have to worry about that! We live in this community just like you, and we realize what makes our city, region and state so special.

Our city has a rich history and various notable locations that would entice a tourist to want to stay forever! There is always something entertaining to do in our area, from our engaging museums to our endless dining options.

We understand not only how our town operates, but also local government rules, which enables us to execute your restoration job faster and return your house or company to its preloss state.

An Extra Benefit

You can be sure that we’ll be prepared to deal with any catastrophe that occurs in our region. SERVPRO of North Fort Worth works with all major insurance carriers, whether you're the policy holder, an agent or an adjuster - we keep all informed throughout the claims process.  We make every effort to keep claims low, have transparent billing, and provide all supporting documentation so you know you're only being charged for work that has been approved. We try to manage all restoration demands with available materials and local professionals, but there are occasions when a large-scale disaster impacts a large number of homes in a single area or even the entire city.

Here’s where the SERVPRO difference can greatly benefit you: We are both locally owned and operated and supported by a reputable national brand with extensive expertise. When severe weather strikes our area and results in destruction, we can ask for a helping hand from other SERVPRO facilities.

A Well Deserved Team Outing

9/26/2022 (Permalink)

Photo of SERVPRO of North Fort Worth team in front of two SERVPRO vans at Blue Bayou in Fort Worth SERVPRO of North Fort Worth team.

The SERVPRO of North Fort Worth team had a well-deserved team outing at Blue Bayou in Fort Worth. Thank you to the crew at Blue Bayou for taking care of us! They did a wonderful job and served great food. Looking forward to the next team outing at Blue Bayou. To say “Thank You” doesn’t touch the amount of gratitude we have for the SERVPRO of North Fort Worth team members. The development and success of SERVPRO of North Fort Worth is a direct representation of the effort they put forth.They have done it all – from demoing houses during the freeze (while not having hot meals to eat), painting and repainting walls, extracting sewage water, remediating mold, resorting water damaged homes in Fort Worth, cleaning up smoke and fire damage, and working in extreme heat. This team steps up to every challenge and conquers it! They do it for our clients and each other. The dedication and willingness to consistently go above and beyond expectations huge. The SERVPRO of North Fort Worth team members are the fuel that feeds the machine and without you, we wouldn’t exist. So, THANK YOU for all you do. We are so proud and grateful to have your support and are excited to see what we can do together as FAMILY.

Keep Your Home Secure From Lightning-Related Fires | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

9/19/2022 (Permalink)

< img src =”lightning.jpg” alt = "multiple lightning strikes off in distance of dark purple night sky " > If you are dealing with smoke or fire damage from a recent fire, call SERVPRO of North Fort Worth to learn about a restoration solution for your issue

House fires can be devastating, but with the right tools and safety measures, you are better able to protect your family and your Dallas-Fort Worth  (DFW) property. While most house fires are manmade and thus preventable, though, others are started by natural threats that may significantly damage your home.

There were over 70,000 damage claims in 2020 as a result of lightning strikes. Even though personal lightning strikes are a rare phenomenon, your home isn’t safe from this danger. When lightning hits, it can destroy trees, burn through your electricity or even ignite a fire.

Approximately 6,000 lightning strikes are thought to occur every minute. This means that every one of us is at risk of being affected by lightning, and we should prepare ourselves and our properties before severe weather is forecast.

What Is Lightning?

Lightning is a huge bolt of electricity that occurs between clouds in the air and the ground. Thunderstorms may seem like the only source of lightning, but it can also strike during volcanic eruptions, dangerous wildfires and even severe snowstorms.

We equate lightning with severe weather, but it’s capable of striking even on a clear and sunny day. “Dry lightning” occurs without rain, and it’s a huge concern since it can spark wildfires.

So, as we begin to prepare for storms, we should also learn to be prepared for potential flames.

Protecting Your Home From Lightning Fires

Quite a lot of damage, including fires, can result from a lightning strike on your property. The heat of the impact itself or an electrical surge brought on by it can both spark a fire.

When flames start after a strike, you might not catch it instantly as it will burn up in your attic or between your walls. Even if you don’t see a strike, though, you are likely to hear its distinctive, explosive boom.

If you hear a strike, look for signs of burning. If you notice scorch marks or smell smoke, immediately inform the fire department.

A great tool to help avert lightning-related flames is a lightning rod. This metal pole can deflect lightning’s energy away from your house and straight into the ground, preventing any fires from starting due to its electricity and heat.

When Lightning Strikes Nearby

Wildfires and other outdoor fires frequently start from lightning strikes. Lighting fires are more common in certain parts of the country depending on the season, but around 9,000 fires are ignited each year by lightning strikes.

To protect your home, keep a tidy yard free of deceased or dying plants and trees, and think about utilizing defensible zones to create a barrier from close lightning strikes and flames.

Be sure to install a smoke alarm on every floor of your home and in the bedrooms to notify you if flames break out anywhere you can’t see.

If your home is affected by flames, our team at SERVPRO can deal with the damage.

The fire recovery process can be a stressful time, but we can make it easier on you with a quick response and a thorough inspection. Once we get started, we’ll keep you updated every step of the way as we return your home to its pre-fire state.

Have you experienced smoke or fire damage in your home? Call us today to get the restoration finished fast.

Protecting Your Northern Texas Home From Floods | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

9/7/2022 (Permalink)

Flood water surrounding homes Flood water surrounding homes

If you have ever discovered standing water in your home after a storm or flash flood event, you know how frustrating and overwhelming it feels. The cleanup process can be extensive and it can be expensive, depending on what the water damaged in your home.

Add to that the fact that not all homeowners insurance plans include coverage for floods! Knowing that unfortunate fact should be all the motivation you need in order to reduce your risk of flood before it is even a threat.

Fort Worth is actually located in the northern part of what is considered “Flash Flood Alley” in Texas. Our steep terrain and sloping hills put our city at risk of encountering quickly developing flash flooding situations. Safeguarding the home against flooding should be a particular point of interest to all of us.

Outside Your Home

We also are witness to a variety of severe thunderstorms in Texas. To help protect your home, have a gutter system to keep water from collecting on your roof and working its way into your attic and down your walls. Make sure the gutters stay clear of leaves and other debris.

You can also use your landscaping to your advantage. If you are a gardener, consider planting your vegetables or flowers in an area that commonly sees excess water and angle the plot away from the foundation of your home so water naturally flows down into the soil instead of toward your house.

Moving Inside

Your foundation is the first line of defense in keeping your basement dry, but it can only work properly if it is watertight! Any cracks can be particularly dangerous and can also be an area for water to easily enter into your home. Repair any cracks you see immediately, and watch for water the next time it rains.

Protecting your home doesn’t always have to have a high price tag. Even simple steps can go a long way to reducing your flooding risk. Whatever you do now will only benefit you in long run the next time we are in a flash flood warning.

The risk of flood isn’t just reserved for natural disasters. It could be something as simple as a faulty dishwasher or old pipe. Regularly get a good look at your appliances to catch any simple leaks or cracks right away, and consider adding a leak sensor to some of your older appliances to help alert you right as the situation develops.

Protecting what is special to you is crucial when it comes to your home. Photos and other important paper documents need to be stored in a safe location, and keep anything that is moisture-sensitive off of the floor.

Experienced water damage in your home? Call SERVPRO of North Fort Worth today to get your restoration completed faster.

The Most Common Hazards Created by Severe Storms | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

8/22/2022 (Permalink)

Extreme Lightning bolting across a dark cloudy sky Extreme Lightning bolting across a dark cloudy sky

Severe weather can be devastating for homeowners. While most current homes are built to withstand these extreme weather conditions, many homes will experience some type of damage if a storm affects our area.

Strong winds and wind-related disasters throw debris all over town, as well as cause cold rain, snowstorms, lightning and flash floods, with hazards varying by the time of year and the type of storm. In any situation, these weather hazards put your property and its structure at risk of severe damage.

Depending on the kind of storm and events taking place, your home could face different degrees of damage. There are a lot of factors that influence the level of potential damage, including the landscape around your property, the geography of the region and the condition of your home’s foundation or building materials. (We admit, there’s also a bit of chance involved.)

It’s great to know about the many kinds of weather hazards, but knowing what may strike your specific area is even more crucial. Your Fort Worth home could be particularly at risk of hazards like droughts, floods and hurricanes.

You should never continue living in a storm-damaged home unless safety professionals have deemed it safe to live in. Most kinds of damage will be obvious, but you should always follow the rules set in place to avoid further losses.

Let’s go over the three main types of storm damage so that you can prepare yourself and your property:


This kind of damage ensues when structures are met with violent gusts that blow at dangerously high speeds. Tornadoes and hurricanes are the most common reasons for strong winds, but even thunderstorms can cause winds of up to 100 mph.

Violent winds can pick up debris around your yard and throw it into your car or the sides of your home. When a storm arrives, it’s essential to seek shelter inside and away from any windows or outside walls in case of shattered glass or walls pierced by debris.

You can also take action before a storm reaches our area to reduce wind damage. Clear your property of any branches, large rocks, unsecured furniture or decaying trees to prevent storing winds from using them to create damage.


Water damage is a regular occurrence both during and after a storm. Heavy rain can allow water to collect outside your house even during a small storm. This water then leaks through any gaps in your windows and doors.

When there is enough water, it can leak into your foundation and lead to substantial infrastructure damage.

To reduce excessive water damage to your property, try using strategic landscaping to direct water away from your home rather than have it build up outside. Alternatively, you could build a rain garden, which is a lovely way to spruce up your yard and keep rainwater from creating a huge problem for your property.

You should also always keep your gutters clear so that they can function properly and keep water from leaking into your home through your roof. Clogged gutters can cause water to pool and leak down to the ground level by allowing water to pool and push its way inside your property from the top.


Another prevalent type of storm damage that can have disastrous consequences to your home is “impact damage.” This damage is caused by hazards like fallen trees or debris being thrown into your home by heavy winds. It’s anything that has an impact on your house or things on your land.

The single most effective approach to minimizing this type of damage is to cut trees that are close to your home and ensure that any dead trees are removed before Mother Nature brings them down on your house.

Weather-related calamities cost more than $145 billion in destruction in the United States alone. These suggestions can help you save a lot of time and money, as well as equip you with the knowledge to protect you and your family from disaster.

If a severe storm wreaks havoc on your home, contact our experts at SERVPRO of North Fort Worth. Our restoration professionals are trained to assess your damage and come up with a way to get your home back to its preloss state!

When you suffer storm-related damage to your home or business, it’s important that you know who to call! Contact us today to get your storm damage restoration started faster.

The Benefits of Choosing SERVPRO for Your Restoration | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

8/5/2022 (Permalink)

a group of employees with restoration tools walking away from SERVPRO van No matter what type of disaster you face, SERVPRO of North Fort Worth is only a phone call away.

As a locally owned and managed SERVPRO location, we recognize the challenges that business owners must overcome regularly. You must consider a variety of challenges when running a company, and the worst thing that could happen is a disaster that halts productivity.

But even if you can’t predict them and probably can’t stop them, there are certain ways you can be prepared for disasters.

Aside from the damage that companies can suffer, we recognize that homeowners are at risk of sustaining damage as well. Attempting to get back on your feet after a disaster can be stressful, no matter what type of distraction you’re dealing with.

To better ready your household to handle the destruction, you should develop an emergency plan as well. Preparing an emergency plan starts with knowing the types of disasters that occur regularly in our community.

The American Red Cross has created an amazing tool that collects data from resources all over the nation to assist you in preparing for any emergency. Fort Worth runs its very own Red Cross that is available to help residents in our community prepare for any disaster.

Whether you operate an organization or own a house or both, you will eventually face the effects of a disaster at some point. In any case, it is important for the restoration process to begin quickly to prevent further damage from occurring.

Here’s why we should be your very first phone call:

Why Choose SERVPRO?

We realize that no two scenarios are the same. While disaster events that require repairs occur annually in the United States, each situation can be extremely different.

For example, over 14 million houses are annually at risk for floods, but the destruction done to each home will vary. This is why our team of experts is prepared to tackle damage of any size so that you can feel safe in your decision of choosing our crew for your restoration.

We will inspect every aspect of your unique situation in order to provide an effective solution.

We offer 24-hour services. When it comes to damage restoration, a rapid response is the most important thing. This is crucial for not only returning your home to its preloss state but also to keep any other damage from occurring on your property.

When water infiltrates your property, it can inflict immediate damage to furniture, fabrics and paint. And if your water problem is left untreated for a long period of time, mold and mildew can break out and compromise your home’s infrastructure. That’s why our team is prepared to answer your call 247, any day of the year.

We deliver much more than just disaster repair. In addition to repairing the devastation a disaster has caused to your property, we handle every step of the procedure.

Our team can help you pack things up to prevent further destruction, and we can work directly with your insurance agent to make the claims process stress-free. Our goal is to provide you with utmost assistance in any way possible to make the process of recovery as easy on you as we can.

No matter the type of damage your property is facing, your local specialists at SERVPRO of North Fort Worth can reverse the ruins with years of experience and training. Our restoration experts use industry-leading equipment and techniques that can repair the damage and return your property back to its former glory as fast as we can.

When you suffer damage to your home or business, it’s important that you know who to call! Contact us today to get restoration started faster.

Take Precautions to Keep Backyard Fires Under Control | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

7/21/2022 (Permalink)

a close up view of a bright campfire burning at night If you have experienced fire or smoke damage, contact SERVPRO of North Fort Worth.

Relaxing by a fire in your own backyard is a wonderful way to spend a summer evening. Hot dogs, s’mores and scary stories are just a few of the fun outdoor activities you and your family can do together.

These backyard fires serve us in many ways. We use them for entertainment, to make food, to keep away bugs or as a way to get rid of debris or trash, but all fires come with their own set of hazards, even the ones we consider to be safe. The National Park Service states that nearly 85% of wildfires are man-made.

Wildfires are particularly common in Texas, since conditions can get very dry. From 2013 to 2018, Texas experienced around 10,000 wildfires, and since this number is only increasing, it’s crucial to understand how to protect your Fort Worth home.

Of course, you can still burn your yard trimmings, light your tiki torches, toast your marshmallows and grill your hot dogs, if local laws permit. If you make sure to take precautions every time you burn, you can minimize your risk of accidental fires and still enjoy a backyard campfire.

Recreational Fire Hazards

Any kind of open flame can be hazardous, but grills, campfires, fire pits and fireworks are responsible for many outdoor fires each year. Around 8,800 house fires are started by grills each year, usually due to human error. Always make sure the propane tanks and gas lines that fuel your grill are in good working order before starting it, and always keep an eye on the food you’re cooking over the flame.

When making a campfire, locate it in a safe area away from buildings or vehicles, and only use a match or a lighter to light the fire. Once your campfire is lit, only use wood to keep it burning and make sure to watch the embers even after you’re all done making your s’mores.

Fire pits are a simple way to create a campsite feel in your own backyard, but you should use this equipment with the same caution as a normal campfire. If your fire pit is portable, place it in a safe area away from overhangs and wooden decks.

While burning may seem like an easy way to get rid of construction or household waste, you should only use approved firewood.

Other Outdoor Fire Hazards

Fire and flammable substances still have a purpose even with their hazards. If your yard accumulates a large number of leaves in the fall and you don’t have a garbage disposal system or a street pickup service, burning your debris could be the only option to keep your yard tidy.

Before burning anything, ensure local authorities allow burning, to begin with. Keep an eye out for burn bans and request a permit if needed. In Fort Worth, there is currently a burn ban in place that prohibits open burning, but you are still able to enjoy and use fires as long as they are contained.

Eliminating dead leaves or plants is a smart way to protect your home from wildfires, along with strategic landscaping to slow down fires before they approach your house. Knowing what is safe to burn and following fundamental rules of fire safety can keep any fire you start from becoming out of control.

We all keep gas for our vehicles and yard tools in a shed or garage, but poor storage can have disastrous effects. Use only gasoline-safe containers, and keep your containers out of children’s reach. And when you’re having trouble lighting a fire, you shouldn’t grab for the gas can, because gas should only be used for its intended purpose.

Before lighting any fire outside, be aware of local regulations and weather forecasts. If it’s a very windy day or conditions are dry, save the s’mores for another day and reschedule that bonfire.

And if your home is damaged by fire, our team at SERVPRO can be on the scene as soon as you need us. Our skilled team is equipped to manage every aspect of fire damage, and we strive to promptly and thoroughly repair as much of your property as we can.

Burn safely outdoors. And save some chocolate for us! If you have experienced fire or smoke damage, contact us today to get restoration started faster.

Storm Warnings Can Help You Prepare for Any Kind of Weather | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

7/21/2022 (Permalink)

a red and white severe weather alert sign If you suspect any damage to your home from a recent storm, call SERVPRO of North Fort Worth.

There are many different kinds of weather warnings; in fact, 42 types are sent out around the United States. Each of these alerts is categorized into one of seven different groups. Trying to take this all in when a storm is on the rise can be hard, so it’s important to understand the information before severe weather strikes.

When you understand what a warning or advisory could mean for our community, you can best prepare yourself and your family for any weather. You can also defend your home against any potential damage.

While having a basic understanding of all weather scenarios is beneficial, it is critical to understand the weather that can have the greatest impact on Fort Worth.

How Alerts Are Issued

So, what factors go into determining when and why these notifications are sent? How are the characteristics of a storm provided when weather forecasts are only a best guess at what type of weather will strike? There are various elements that influence the delivery of warnings.

The National Weather Service is in charge of weather prediction and, as a result, issuing any required alerts. These alerts are sent out from six regional offices across the country and other sub-offices, allowing for more location-specific warnings. You’ll find your alerts are issued straight from our community in the Southern Region headquarters in Fort Worth!

Meteorologists and other NWS workers use a variety of data, including aerial radars, detectors, seismic activity meters and even solar output, to create weather predictions. While this information can vary according to how severe weather conditions are, the point is to make it as accurate a forecast as possible.

The Most Important Alerts to Understand

Knowing the difference between a “watch” and a “warning” is a good thing to know when preparing yourself and your home for severe weather. This language is common in many alerts issued, including those for thunderstorms, hurricanes and flooding.

watch indicates that a storm is brewing and that you should monitor the situation and take precautions when necessary. Watches are sent out in a larger area, while a warning is issued for a more specific area, like a city or county. A warning means that threats are approaching and you should immediately prepare yourself and your home for a potential disaster.

It is also helpful to know what weather conditions may impact your hometown, so you’ll be able to prepare beforehand. For example, Fort Worth contains several natural and man-made lakes. These lakes occasionally overflow, causing flooding, so residents are notified as soon as the situation develops.

Protecting Your Home During a Storm

Knowing what weather alerts may be issued in our area is a great way to protect yourself and your home before a storm, but there are other precautions you can take to minimize property damage.

Cleaning your gutters and drains and securing your outdoor furniture are both great ways to protect the inside and outside of your home from flood damage and wind damage. Locate a safe shelter with essentials and develop an evacuation plan for your family if you end up needing to flee.

If a storm rolls through your area and leaves your home with damage to be repaired, give SERVPRO a call. We can devise and execute a restoration plan to get your home back in shape.

Understanding what weather may impact our hometown can help you prepare yourself and your home for a disaster. Educate yourself about the various alerts that could be issued to you so you can withstand any weather conditions.

Experienced storm damage to your home or property? Contact us today for a quick response!

How Disaster May Strike Your Business | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

6/16/2022 (Permalink)

a large commercial building with extensive damage to roof and siding SERVPRO of North Fort Worth is your local commercial disaster team. Contact us to learn more about our commercial damage restoration services.

Local businesses are the heart of our community. We get a lot from these local organizations, whether it’s the one you work for or the one you visit every day for their services.

But every year, we hear about unfortunate incidents in which the businesses we care about are destroyed by natural disasters.

Each year in the United States, natural disasters cost billions in repair. Over the last five years, the NCEI reported that our country has suffered an annual average of approximately $153 billion worth of damage. This figure will only climb as the years pass and natural disasters become more frequent.

Fort Worth is regularly affected by severe weather like tornadoes, flooding and hail storms. In 2000, Fort Worth experienced a deadly tornado that cost $400 million in damages. During this fatal tornado, a Fort Worth restaurant owner’s business was demolished.

As a business owner, the best approach to protect your company from the effects of these costly emergencies is to take action within your workplace. Learn about all the ways disaster can infiltrate your business and how to prepare for it.

Water Damage

Water damage is a risk that many businesses may face. Leaks from appliances or plumbing cause mold or infrastructure damage quickly, and water can also infiltrate your facility as a result of flooding caused by severe rain or overflowing rivers.

Leaks that develop over time can cause foundation problems. Even a minor pipe leak can ruin ceilings and floors. Inspect your building for any signs of moisture or discoloration and have the underlying cause repaired as soon as possible to avoid expensive downtime.

Flash floods can occur unexpectedly, causing problems both inside and outside your building. Water can cause damage to your inventory, expensive machinery and any other valuable assets in your business.

You can slow the flow of floodwater by strategically landscaping your property. It is also important to seal up any cracks or gaps that may serve as entry points for water around your windows, doors and walls. Consider raising HVAC equipment and electrical installations above ground level to keep floodwaters at a distance.

Storm Damage

Storm hazards frequently ruin businesses. These terrible disasters rip through facilities every year, causing structural damage, wrecking machinery, and destroying precious merchandise. Even minor storms create power outages and can send debris flying, causing an array of problems for your business.

These storms can generate strong winds. Most storms produce winds of around 10 to 45 mph, but strong storms can produce winds of over 100 mph. Storms of this magnitude can tear the roof off your facility, exposing the interior materials and causing complete wall collapse.

Fortunately, there are solutions to protect your commercial property from these weather threats. Install impact-resistant doors and high-impact glass to preserve your company’s interior. Check your roof for damage on a regular basis and trim any overgrown branches near your building to avoid them from breaking off and damaging it.

Make sure you are also informed of your local weather risks. Some places are more vulnerable to threats such as flash flooding and severe winds, so understanding what to expect based on where your business is located is important.

Know Who to Call

The last thing any business owner wants is for an emergency to occur without being prepared for it in advance. Preparing your facility for these events before they occur could save your company from costly repairs.

Our team specializes in these areas of destruction, so we can handle any emergency that may arise for your company. We provide emergency services 247, so any restoration your commercial property requires can begin as soon as you call.

If you have experienced damage to your business or want to learn more about our commercial damage restoration services, contact us today. We’re here to act fast, 247.

Lessen the Risk of Fires With These Methods | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

6/3/2022 (Permalink)

interior view of a room with items completely destroyed by fire If your home is damaged in a house fire, SERVPRO of North Fort Worth is here to help. Contact us for any fire restoration need.

House fires are the most prevalent disaster in the country, claiming the lives of countless individuals each year. Since the start of this year, the American Red Cross has already confirmed over 20,000 fires house fires. In that time, more than 70 fire fatalities have been documented in Texas alone.

Because these figures are only expected to rise, it is critical to have fire prevention safeguards in place in your Fort Worth home. The majority of these measures are basic practices that you can include in your daily routine, such as routinely cleaning your home:

Create a Defensible Space in Your Yard

In the aftermath of wildfires, California enacted a rule requiring residents to establish defensible space. This requires a carefully planned yard designed to limit the possibility of an outside fire reaching your home. Given the high risk of wildfires in North Fort Worth, having a strategic lawn plan could keep you and your property safe in the case of a wildfire.

Planting trees and plants at a safe distance from your home could not only slow the spread of fire but also provide space for firefighters to work if necessary. Cleaning up dead leaves, fallen limbs and other dead shrubs around your home may provide less fuel for a fire if one starts.

Make sure to keep an eye on your gutters as well! Dead plants and leaves can accumulate in your gutters, so make sure to thoroughly clean them out.

Clear the Clutter

A cluttered home is stressful enough; adding the risk of fire hazards from a messy area will only add to this stress. Pay special attention to clothes or towels piling up around the house. Not only can these block an exit if you need to escape a fire, but they can also ignite flames when near anything that releases heat, such as a water heater.

Space heaters are another appliance that produces heat. Any loose clothing or blankets near your heater, just like water heaters, could quickly cause a fire. To avoid potential fire hazards, keep these items at least three feet away.

Keep It Clean & Keep It Safe

Because most fires start in the kitchen, keeping appliances clean can help reduce flames. Cleaning your stovetop regularly to remove any food particles or grease will help prevent fires.

Fires can start in any room of the house. Keeping each room clean could help prevent an unintentional fire from starting. Set aside time to thoroughly clean your home regularly.

Other small chores around the house, such as dusting near your space heater or electrical sockets, should be done regularly.

Remember that a clean home equals a clear mind! Keep up with household duties to help yourself and your home and reduce the risk of fires.

If you have experienced fire damage or want to learn more about our fire damage restoration services, contact us today. We’re here to act fast, 247.

Water Mitigation Process - SERVPRO of North Fort Worth

6/2/2022 (Permalink)

image of a bedroom with green equipment Drying equipment set up in a bedroom after the damaged portion of the wall and wet insulation were removed.

Many times, when a new customer calls SERVPRO of North Fort Worth, it is their first time experiencing a water loss as a homeowner. But you can feel confident that we will partner with you throughout the water mitigation process to minimize stress and provide the best outcome for your home.

Our crew members are trained to listen to the details you provide about the water loss, to learn more about your first-hand experience. What did you see, hear, and smell when you discovered the water in your home? What was going on at the time? What have you done up to this point?

They will carefully inspect the areas affected by water as well as the adjoining rooms because water can seem unpredictable. As it moves toward low spots and saturates porous materials, one part of a room may stay dry while the other side has standing water hiding under a cabinet. The technicians will identify all the wet materials such as flooring, walls, ceilings, and cabinets.

Next, our team will extract water as needed and create a drying plan. They will remove anything that is too damaged to dry properly, clean up the debris, and set up drying equipment. Usually, a combination of dehumidifiers and air movers will be placed in your home to dry the wet materials in a timely manner. Daily visits will be scheduled to check on the drying progress.

During the entire water mitigation process, thorough documentation is essential. The technicians take daily photos and notes while monitoring the drying progress of materials. The office team uses the project documentation to accurately invoice your insurance company.

At SERVPRO of North Fort Worth, we have a goal of great communication with our customers. Our team will provide explanations of what is needed and why. You can expect to be updated every day during the job process, which generally takes up to five days.

When the mitigation process is complete, many of our customers request an estimate for reconstruction and build back of the water damaged rooms.

Call SERVPRO of North Fort Worth at 817-232-3333 for expert help with water damage.

Planning for a Storm Should Be a Top Priority | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

5/20/2022 (Permalink)

a dark cloudy sky with lighting strikes off in the distance If you discover storm damage to your home or business, reach out to SERVPRO of North Fort Worth right away.

Severe weather can be a scary thing. Thunderstorms can cause lightning strikes, significant rain, hail and heavy winds, leading to anything from minor to crippling home damage. Plus, considering that there are around 100,000 thunderstorms throughout the country each year, these events occur with relative frequency.

Recently, a deadly tornado outbreak hit several cities around Texas. In Jacksboro, about 60 miles northwest of Fort Worth, photographs posted on social media showed a storm ripped the wall and roof from parts of Jacksboro High School, including its gym. Both the Jacksboro Elementary School and the Jacksboro High School had major damage, but no one was injured at either campus.

While there is no way to predict when these deadly storms will hit, we can definitely prepare ourselves for it. Some of the things you need are an emergency kit and a communications strategy for dealing with the aftermath. Taking proper precautions will help prepare you and your family.

Your Severe Weather Communication Strategy

Once the weather gets particularly bad, it’s important to have a way to speak with everybody in your unit and receive weather-related alerts from authorities. When you’re keeping an ear out for these alerts, make sure you know the distinction between watches and warnings. That way you’ll be able to figure out what to do next.

The next thing you need is a way to receive alerts from officials. For example, make sure you have both a mobile phone and an NOAA weather radio.

Last, ensure you have a communication strategy for your household. Have a delegated safe space in your home that everybody is aware of to seek shelter in once the weather turns bad. Additionally, create a concept for communication in case one or additional household members are out of the house when a storm strikes.

Your Severe Weather Emergency Kit

It cannot be emphasized enough how important your emergency kit is. It could potentially be your lifeline for several hours or days. It needs to be chock-full of all the necessities your family might need, such as food, water and first-aid supplies, for a minimum of 72 hours of sheltering in place.

It’s important this kit is already stored in your storm shelter area.

Your Severe Weather Aftermath list

Once it’s safe to try to so, check your property for damage because it’s important to address damage as soon as possible. Pay close attention to your roof and any seals on windows and doors where water damage is likely to happen.

If there is damage, you want a trusted team of experts like you will find at SERVPRO of North Fort Worth to quickly get on scene and start working on the damage. You can rest easy knowing we will act fast and get the job done right the first time.

Another step you need to take after a storm is evaluating your storm safety plan so that you can take steps to correct any issues. Ask the whole family about the communications, emergency kit and any other elements and see what might be improved in preparation for the next storm.

If you discover storm damage to your home or business, you can count on SERVPRO to handle the restoration. We’re here 247 to spring into action—get in touch with us today.

Water Damage is a Key Concern - SERVPRO of North Fort Worth

5/6/2022 (Permalink)

image of green SERVPRO van parked in front of a house Day or night, if you experience a water loss at your home or business, call SERVPRO of North Forth Worth for a quality restoration experience.

According to insurance industry data, water damage claims are the second most common type of insurance claim. The most common type of insurance claim is damage due to wind and hail. As many as 1 in 50 insured property structures will have a water loss claim each year.

Key concerns of policyholders include:

Preventing the common causes of water damage - Since the cause of loss in many water claims is plumbing problems, it’s a great idea to have a qualified plumber inspect the plumbing regularly and replace aging valves, old rubber supply lines, and water heaters over 10 years old. Your plumber also may update the water supply lines and hook ups to your washing machine, dishwasher, and refrigerator.

Ensuring adequate insurance coverage - Check with your insurance agent to learn the details of what is covered under your homeowner or business policy. Your policy may contain limitations you are unaware of, and if so, you may be able to add coverage. Make sure your deductible is affordable in case you do need to file an insurance claim.

If you experience a water loss at your home or business, call your local water restoration experts at SERVPRO of North Fort Worth 24/7 at (817) 232-3333. We have the right tools and experience to make it “Like it never even happened.”

Fort Worth, You Can Depend on SERVPRO | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

5/5/2022 (Permalink)

two SERVPRO employees unloading cleaning equipment out of a green van SERVPRO of North Fort Worth is your local restoration expert. We are the #1 choice in cleanup and restoration.

SERVPRO of North Fort Worth is dedicated to always going above and beyond and consistently doing our due diligence to maintain the highest standards when doing home and business restoration. We also pride ourselves on offering a myriad of services.

When SERVPRO shows up at your home or business, we want you to know we can handle the job.

We encourage you to look into our company, so you can have peace of mind that SERVPRO is the right choice for you. We offer several remediation focuses, including anything in the following areas:

Water Damage

Regardless of the size of a flood, it can cause serious damage. Flooding causes more than $10 billion in damages nationwide every year.

It is likely that you will encounter flooding issues in your lifetime as a home or business owner, but SERVPRO has the tools to handle flooding.

Depending on the amount of water that makes up your flooded space, our team may use powerful submersible pumps in addition to industrial-strength wet/dry vacuums. Furthermore, we will help you develop a plan to ensure that your home is cleaned, dried and fully restored to its preloss condition.

Fire Damage

Residential fires are far more common than you might think, with a fire department responding to a fire every 23 seconds.

Home fires have the potential to penetrate inside the core elements of your structure including the underlying support beams. This is why if your home has fallen victim to fire damage, it’s critical that you call SERVPRO of North Fort Worth immediately for a consultation that will begin the restoration process and get your home back to normal in no time.

Storm Damage

In Fort Worth, you never know when a light drizzle could turn into heavy rain or a full on flood. In the past, the area has experienced unexpected flash floods, which lead to damaged homes and business. If flash floods hit your home in the future, remember this important rule: Never let water damage set!

Storms and flooding can damage not only your house, but also your belongings. The mindset of SERVPRO is to restore content rather than to replace it so that we can save you money and keep your precious keepsakes alive.

Restoration may include anything from cleaning services to construction work. Regardless of the extent of the damage, we can bring your home back to preloss condition in no time.

What Sets SERVPRO Apart?

No one wants to deal with repairs at their home or business. At SERVPRO, we understand and go to great length to work with your schedule, making sure that our staff is trained to ensure you and your restoration needs are handled with care, and the highest standards.

If you have home or business restoration needs, call SERVPRO of North Fort Worth to set up an evaluation and estimate to bring your property back to life. You can rest assured we’ll have your home or business back to preloss condition as quickly as possible.

Regardless of the type of damage sustained, SERVPRO has the tools and teams to help your home or business recover from its disastrous effects. Contact us anytime when you need a dependable team to help you rebuild your life.

Water Damage & Its Effects | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

4/20/2022 (Permalink)

image of a bathroom sink showing signs of a water leak No matter the damage sustained, SERVPRO of North Fort Worth has the tools and team to help your home return to a normal state quickly.

A minor crack in a pipe or a little water spot might appear unimportant right now, yet keep in mind the disastrous impacts water can have on your home. The average home leak can waste up to 10,000 gallons of water in a year.

Water damage advances quickly, saturating floors and porous surfaces. It’s critical to resolve the issue immediately to get the best outcome.

This is what you need to know about how water damage progresses over time:

In the First 24 Hours

Assuming that you live in a house, there is a one in four chance of a flood harming your home inside a 30-year time frame in a high-risk region. Knowing what to do next is critical.

The initial 24 to 48 hours in the wake of flooding or water damage are pivotal. Certain things will succumb to water’s grievous effects.

Delicate items like upholstery will soak through, and wooden structures can expand from the moisture. Personal possessions like books and photos are particularly prone to warping beyond repair.

SERVPRO’s “restore vs. replace” attitude can help you save money and keep precious keepsakes. In the event that any materials can’t be restored, this will be communicated to you.

Within the First Week

After the initial 24 hours, water damage will advance further and rapidly. Mold can spread at an alarming pace and affect your home’s structure.

Furthermore, permeable surfaces will become increasingly compromised.

Following One Week

Avoid letting moisture sit for a long period since the effects might be devastating or irreversible. As time goes on, the costs and efforts to restore the structure will increase significantly, and the risks associated with structural damage are greater.

How SERVPRO Will Help

SERVPRO’s part begins with the first call, ideally in the first 24 hours, and normally starts with a thorough extraction of water. This helps prevent the spread of water in the structure and reduces drying time.

Generally, floors, furniture and personal effects will require cleaning, disinfecting and freshening up. After the bulk of the water has been removed, our specialists will use industry-leading drying equipment to remove the water you can’t see.

After these steps, your home may need construction work to get your property back to its preloss condition. This step could include anything from minor to major repairs.

We can simplify the restoration process by handling both the initial damage mitigation and rebuilding the affected areas. SERVPRO will keep you up to date on every step and have you back in your home or business in no time.

Regardless of the type of water damage sustained, SERVPRO has the tools and teams to help your home or business recover. Contact us 247 when you need a dependable team to help you recover.

Can You Identify the 3 Types of Flooding? | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

4/10/2022 (Permalink)

image of a street completely submerged in water with a flood warning sign sitting in roadway Regardless of the cause of the flooding, SERVPRO of North Fort Worth has the team to help you recover from any disastrous event.

Of all the natural disasters, flooding is the most common in the world. It causes more casualties in the United States per year than hurricanes, tornadoes or lightning, affecting everything from single residences to wide swaths of communities and cities.

Every single state and U.S. territory is affected by flooding, and there are actually similar types and causes of flooding. There are three common types of flooding, and they happen for four typical reasons.

3 Types of Natural Flooding

Flash floods are common, and they happen when heavy rain passes or sits over an area and overwhelms the ability of the ground to contain the moisture. Excess water runs off and takes garbage cans, cars and more with it.

River floods are exactly what they sound like. When there’s too much water for a river’s banks to hold, the water spills over the sides and causes destruction.

Coastal floods happen in areas next to large bodies of water, when storm surges or cyclonic activity causes ocean or gulf levels to rise to flood levels.

4 Most Common Causes of Natural Flooding

Heavy rainfall. Storms with excessive rainfall, or storms that sit and rest over an area for an extended period, can cause flash floods or river flooding. Urban areas are more at risk for rain floods, because the higher percentage of concrete and asphalt means there’s a lack of soil to soak up all that water.

The most deadly flooding in Fort Worth’s history occurred in 1949. As this article describes, there were “people in trees and horses on roofs.” The Carswell Air Force Base dispatched 100 military police officers to the flooded zones to discourage any criminal activity. The Red Cross estimated around 13,000 people were displaced or homeless as a result of the record-breaking flooding.

Oceanic activity. Storm surges, hurricanes and rising tides can cause water levels to rise in waves, which can invade coastal communities and wreak havoc.

Dams and levees failing. The most notable example of this in recent history would be the disastrous levee breaks during 2005’s Hurricane Katrina. Levees and dams fail when cracks occur or excess pressure overtakes the dam’s ability to contain the surge of water behind it.

Snowmelts and ice dams. In areas of the country where heavy snow and prolonged freezing temperatures are common, snow and ice can build up over a winter’s time, and when they start to melt, they cause rivers of water to flow through area communities. Ice dams or ice jams happen when rivers become blocked by built-up ice being carried downstream, causing the banks to overflow.

Regardless of the cause of the flooding, SERVPRO has the tools and teams to help your home or business recover from its disastrous effects. Contact us anytime when flooding or water damage makes a mess in your life.

If Water Damage Affects Your Business Call SERVPRO of North Fort Worth

4/10/2022 (Permalink)

image of work boot stepping into water on vinyl floor At SERVPRO of North Fort Worth, we are your local water damage experts. Call us for assistance anytime.

When you are the owner and manager of a business, one thing you dread is interruptions to the daily routine of your business. If your place of business is affected by water damage, you have a lot of concerns. Whether the faucet has been left running, a supply line has broken, or heavy rains caused water from the flower beds to flood into your office, you already know that the next few days will not be routine. Call your local water damage experts at SERVPRO of North Fort Worth. Our team will immediately get to work to mitigate the damage, place drying equipment to dry the wet materials, clean up the mess, and minimize the interruption to your business. Your business will be back to the normal routine in no time. We have crews available 24/7. We can also assist if you have concerns of possible mold damage. SERVPRO of North Fort Worth also offers reconstruction services. Let us take care of everything, so you can run your business.

The Partner You Never Knew You Needed | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

3/22/2022 (Permalink)

a workspace and cubicle showing signs of water damage SERVPRO of North Fort Worth - your local commercial restoration experts. Contact us today should your business experience any damage.

You need all the help you can get when it comes to keeping a company afloat. As a property manager or owner, you understand how difficult it is to just keep things operating. For businesses like yours, major interruptions or losses could mean closing your doors for good.

However, for all of your cleaning and recovery requirements, your business has a built-in silent partner, and it’s right here in Fort Worth’s backyard. SERVPRO can take care of so many different business demands that it’s like having a dedicated ally who is responsible for an entire aspect of your company’s performance.

Let’s take a look at what we mean:

Large loss recovery. Fires, storms and floods are among the top causes of financial loss for businesses around the country, and they can cause even greater damage if action isn’t taken fast. When you contact SERVPRO, you’re connecting with a top-tier professional crew that’s available 24 hours a day to deliver proven emergency services and help you get back on your feet quickly.

Emergency Ready Plan. If your company is prepared, recovery begins before a tragedy occurs. We can assist you in creating the ideal strategy to carry out when the time comes. During a crisis, you may need an emergency chain of command, alternative meeting or workplaces, temporary suppliers, or other services, and we’ll have you set up with a single button press that initiates all of them.

Cleaning of All Kinds. We have an answer for every case, from trauma site cleanup and safe biohazard removal to ordinary necessities like carpet cleaning and upholstery restoration in high-traffic areas. We’ve been doing this for a long time and have seen and cleaned all there is to see and clean.

Restoration Services. Storms can cause flash flooding. The interns can accidentally start a fire. A water line can burst. All of these things need repair and cleaning, which SERVPRO excels at. You can count on us to restore your business’ shine after an unwelcome occurrence, from water removal through to restoration.

Industry Specialization. We can assist any organization, and we’ve spent decades knowing the ins and outs of each industry. We can handle any cleaning or restoration requirements your company may have, no matter how particular or unusual they are. In many circumstances, we can also surround the repair area so that ordinary activity in other areas of your business is not disrupted.

Whatever your recovery need may be, and whatever your commercial property may require, trust SERVPRO to get the job done. Contact us today to get started on an Emergency Ready Plan or find out how we can serve your business.

The Wide Range of Weather Hazards in the U.S. | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

3/7/2022 (Permalink)

weather view, an image with a cloudy, rainy, sunny and snowy sky Extreme temperature changes can lead to the possibility of severe weather. SERVPRO of North Fort Worth is a click away if you experience any damage.

Because the United States is so big, it has one of the widest ranges of climates of any country in the world. All across the country, there are a lot of different types of weather threats due to differing seasonal weather patterns from region to region.

Let’s look at what each of the main regions of the United States, including here in Texas, might anticipate as spring approaches and warm and cold air masses clash throughout the country.

Flooding and water damage occur frequently in the Pacific Northwest in the spring because of severe rainfall. It can also be challenging to deal with melting and runoff from spring snowfall in higher elevation areas.

Upper Midwest and Northeast winters are the longest and coldest in the country. It can still be very cold all the way into late spring and early summer for the entire region, from Maine to the Dakotas. There will be a lot of snow during the winters there, and as the snow melts and warm air moves through this area, there are a lot of hazards. Melting and heavy rains can cause flooding, and severe storms can bring wind storms and tornadoes.

Across the Southwest and southern West Coast, people and their properties could be in danger because of severe heat waves that often reach triple digits. Tectonic activity could also cause tsunamis in the South Pacific, including Hawaii.

In the central United States, from Iowa down to here in Texas, wildfires are also on the radar and can spread swiftly when conditions are dry and windy. Our region, as you may be fully aware of, is also susceptible to severe and highly destructive spring storms as the region also contains what is known as Tornado Alley because of its high risk of tornadoes.

Texas in particular is consistently ranked in the top 10 states affected by extreme events. In 2020, the state was hit by 11 of the nation’s billion-dollar disasters.

Thunderstorms and tornadoes are a common occurrence in the Southeast, particularly inland. The region will also possibly face early-season hurricanes in areas along the coast.

No matter where you live, it’s important to stay prepared for severe weather even if your risk is maybe a little less than a friend or relative in another state. Every region in the U.S. has its unique severe weather hazards that pose risks to everyone.

If extreme weather leaves you with damage from water, fire or other elements, help is a click away. Contact SERVPRO for fast, expert recovery.

Water Damage Caused by Fire Sprinkler Systems in Fort Worth, Texas

2/24/2022 (Permalink)

image of green van and city buildings at night SERVPRO of North Fort Worth is available 24/7 to assist you if your home or business is affected by water damage.

When our crews arrive on-site at a water damage job, they establish the source of the water as part of formulating a custom drying plan for your home or business. A cause of water damage that we have seen frequently is water from the overhead fire sprinklers. If there is a fire and the sprinklers turn on, that is a good thing because the fire damage is minimized, and the wet mess can be cleaned up and dried out. But other times, the water damage is unexpected. This can occur in many ways, such as:

  • A burst pipe in the fire suppression system or leading to it, due to freezing or worn-out fittings.
  • An error during installation or routine maintenance.
  • Damage to the pipes or sprinkler heads from another source, such as during remodeling or from children playing.

Building codes require fire suppression systems to be installed in many commercial buildings and multi-family housing such as apartments.  Fire sprinklers can deliver up to 10-20 gallons per minute, so water damage can be considerable by the time the source is turned off. A properly designed and maintained sprinkler system will contain the fire and potentially save lives. If your apartment, condo, townhome, or business is damaged by accidental discharge of the fire sprinklers, call SERVPRO of North Fort Worth at (817) 232-3333. A trained crew will be dispatched right away to your home or business, ready to start mitigating the damage.

Prepare for a Winter Storm in Fort Worth, TX

2/23/2022 (Permalink)

image of tree and outdoors in snowy weather If winter storms in Fort Worth Texas affect your home or business, call SERVPRO of North Fort Worth for help.

When a winter storm heads our way, Texans make preparations to take care of their homes and businesses.

To reduce the risk of water damage to your home due to freezing weather, insulate exposed pipes such as pipes under sinks, or in crawl spaces, garages, basements, and attics. If the outdoor temperature is below freezing, leave your indoor faucets dripping. Cover the outside faucets or leave them dripping. If your water heater is in an unheated area such as the garage or attic, it is a good idea to insulate it as well. Know where the main water cut-off valve is located, usually near the water meter, in case your pipes do freeze and burst.

To reduce the risk of fire damage to your home, be careful when using your fireplace for heat. Move flammable household items out of the area around the fireplace. Make sure the fireplace damper is open while the fire is burning. Don’t use your barbeque grill indoors.

To reduce the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, don’t use a generator or run your car engine for heat inside your home or garage. Never turn on your oven or gas stove to heat your home.  Make sure you have carbon monoxide detector, and it is working properly – this is important year-round for safety.

If your home is affected by water damage, fire damage, or smoke and soot damage, call SERVPRO of North Fort Worth for help 24/7 at (817) 232-3333.

Are You Prepared for Disaster to Strike Your Business? | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

2/22/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO employee standing in office next to a person reviewing plans If the day comes where your business is hit with disaster or emergency, you can rest assured SERVPRO of North Fort Worth will be there to help.

Running a business requires a full-time commitment in addition to an infinite after hours to-do list, resulting in a role that is more equivalent to an overtime job. It’s reasonable that you’re carrying a heavy load. It’s really a lot of work from recruitment, bookkeeping, inventory management, and advertising, among many other things.

And if you are not prepared for the worst-case scenario, you risk jeopardizing all of your great accomplishments. You’ve worked really hard to reach this point, and that is about as compelling of an incentive as you could imagine for doing all that is possible to secure your business’ survival in the aftermath of a tragedy.

Reopening a company after a fire, severe storm or other natural catastrophe can be overwhelming, and a lot times impossible. According to FEMA, 40% of small businesses permanently close after a disaster, with a significant proportion of those that do reopen closing again within a year.

Having a plan for what to do in the case of a catastrophic incident might be the difference between survival and failure. Indeed, three-quarters of small businesses in the United States do not have a disaster plan. It’s logical that businesses who have a plan in place will have a better chance of recovery. So, how can you design a disaster recovery strategy that is effective for your business?

SERVPRO of North Fort Worth supports companies like yours with disaster planning by building a customized Emergency Ready Plan that is suited to a business’ unique objectives, location and specialization. If you have a strategy, you may minimize needless delays by being prepared for a disaster.

Disasters are very tough to recover from. Take advantage of the opportunity to prepare for a disaster in advance of its occurrence. We’re here immediately to help you with your Emergency Ready Plan.

When your business is ready to prioritize planning and safety to prevent extended downtime, contact SERVPRO to get the Emergency Ready Plan underway from the folks who know all there is to know about disaster and recovery.

Our Full Spectrum of Services | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

2/3/2022 (Permalink)

A green SERVPRO van parked in a warehouse full of equipment When you need cleanup and recovery of any kind, you can trust SERVPRO of North Fort Worth to get the job done.

You might know what’s happening when you see our big green truck rolling through town. Perhaps the corner store took some damage from the recent storm, and our team is arriving to help restore it.

Most have at least an idea that SERVPRO is some kind of restoration company. That isn’t wrong entirely, but it’s not at all the complete picture of what we really can do. We are a full-service cleaning, restoration and reconstruction beast—your insurance’s favorite beast.

Here’s a better look at the spectrum of services SERVPRO can provide:

Water damage recovery. From leaks to floods, no matter the size of water damage your house incurred, we will get you back to dry.

Fire damage recovery. While the United States is seeing a 40-year downward trend, fires still occur every 23 seconds. Fires can cause severe destruction, but we provide the help it takes to restore your home and property.

Mold removal. Mold can grow and spread soon after water damage if left untreated. It can even threaten the structure of your home. Because it isn’t safe to remove mold on your own, let our experts in green handle it for you.

Storm recovery. Natural disasters can cause unimaginable damage, but we have everything it takes to tackle all of your storm recovery needs.

Commercial needs. We provide businesses and commercial spaces the services we provide to homeowners—and even a few more specialized services.

General cleaning. Homes and businesses alike require an extra set of cleaning hands every now and then. Perhaps your carpets or upholstery need cleaning, but you have more important things competing for your attention. We will give you the clean you deserve while you focus on other things.

Specialty cleaning. We offer specialized services like document restoration, duct cleaning and even biohazard cleanup. No matter what it is, we can clean it, restore it or rebuild it.

Construction. When the worst case scenario happens and your space can’t be restored, you can rely on SERVPRO to rebuild it to its preloss condition. 

Add 24-hour service and an easy insurance process to all this, and the picture becomes clear—when you need cleanup and recovery of any kind, you can trust SERVPRO to get the job done.

The Same Things That Start a Fire Can Be Used to Stop It | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

1/24/2022 (Permalink)

< img src =”paper.jpg” alt = “a small paper house burning" > If your home or business has any damage, SERVPRO of North Fort Worth is ready around the clock to help you recover.

Quick, think of a 3D triangle. You’ve probably thought of one of two shapes—either a pyramid, which has a square base and four triangular sides, or the topic of today’s geometry lesson/fire safety blog, a tetrahedron, which has four total sides, all of them triangles.

See, scientists use a visual aid called the fire tetrahedron to depict the four essential elements of every fire. These four things must happen if a fire is to ignite and spread—which gives us a window into reactive fire safety as well.

The 4 Things a Fire Needs to Live

Fuel. Fire without something to burn is simply a fire in the air—and, well, that can’t happen. Anything that can burn can be a source of fuel for fire.

Heat. Everything that can be a fire’s fuel source has a flash point—a point at which it gets hot enough that it can catch fire. The reaching of this flash point is key to a fire’s ignition.

Oxygen. As a fire burns its fuel, it requires oxygen to keep going. The consumption of the oxygen around the fire is a crucial element, because the fire has to have it in order to perpetuate itself.

Chemical Chain Reaction. The fuel, the heat and the oxygen work in series to form a chain reaction—a self-repeating series of chemical events that keep the fire going until it’s interrupted by one of the following methods.

The 4 Ways to Stop a Fire

Cool it. Ask most people how to stop a fire, and the first answer they’ll give you is, “Pour water on it.” Chemically, the water doesn’t make much difference, but what it’s good for is quickly cooling a fire’s fuel source and restoring a thermal balance.

Smother it. Have you ever wondered why “stop, drop and roll” actually works? It works by smothering a fire on your clothing, thus depriving it of the oxygen it has to have to survive. The same goes for fire blankets and most fire extinguishers.

Starve it. When a fire runs out of food, it has to stop burning. This can be accomplished either by removing existing fuel sources or cutting the fire off from fuel sources into which it can expand.

Interrupt the chain reaction. Certain chemicals and elements have a way of tripping up the chain reaction, causing a breakdown in the fire mechanism by negating oxygen or otherwise disrupting the process. It seemed like the compound halon was going to be the great fire savior, because it is extremely effective in this way. But it has a negative impact on the ozone layer and has been banned from future production. Other elements are being used in its place to a similar, if lesser, effect.

If the fire tetrahedron makes a wreck of your home or business, we’re ready around the clock to help you recover. Contact SERVPRO anytime for fast, thorough cleanup and recovery after a fire.

What to Expect When You’re Expecting Water Damage Restoration | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

1/10/2022 (Permalink)

< img src =”house.jpg” alt = “a house floating in a large body of water" > When water damage strikes, make the call to SERVPRO of North Fort Worth for A-to-Z cleanup and restoration.

It’s happening right now in some unfortunate home, and it happens to 14,000 more people every day. Water damage, it seems, gets to us all at one point in some form.

You already know that you should call the experts at SERVPRO when you have a water damage issue. What you may not know is how you can expect that process to go.

A little enlightenment for you, if we may:

Emergency Contact. First, you have to contact us. When you do, we’ll walk you through a few questions and start scripting a plan for your issue. Then we’ll set an appointment time to meet up in person shortly thereafter.

Inspection and Water Damage Assessment. Once SERVPRO experts arrive at your home, they’ll take a thorough look around and make a final appraisal of the damage, making sure to note any areas that may be hazardous for you. They’ll also determine the state of a few things—noting whether they can be restored and cleaned, or if they’ll need to be reconstructed or replaced.

Water Removal. These pump trucks aren’t here merely to look pretty. We’ll cut them loose and let the pumps drink their fill until your home is rid of all that unwanted output.

Damaged Material Removal. As determined earlier, some items will need replacement, and thus will need be removed. We’ll haul them away to get them off site and speed up the drying process for the remaining items.

Cleaning, Sanitizing and Deodorization. Smells, stains and even toxins can fill your home after water invades. We’ll use our proprietary cleaning solutions and techniques to ensure that your home is both safe and clean.

Drying. Even after the pumps are done, there’s still going to be excess moisture in your home, which could allow mold to grow on various affected surfaces, including furniture and clothing. We’ll use specialized gear to get rid of that offensive moisture and prevent the growth of the toxic black stuff.

Monitoring. We’ll always have an eye toward progress and efficiency, and we’ll regularly be checking in to make sure things are going as they should.

Repairs and Construction. Finally, your pros will get to work restoring damaged items and rebuilding, repairing and reconstructing whatever is necessary to fully get your home back into shape. By the time we’re done, you’ll wonder if we were ever there in the first place.

When water damage strikes, make the call to SERVPRO for A-to-Z cleanup and restoration. We’ll make your damaged property look “Like it never even happened."

Waiting for Cleanup Means Taking More Damage | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

12/19/2021 (Permalink)

< img src =”fire.jpg” alt = “a small interior room showing extensive damage from a recent fire" > If a fire issue pops up during the holidays, remember the trusted leader in the recovery industry, SERVPRO of North Fort Worth.

We used to do a lot more waiting. We did so much of it at the doctor’s office, for example, that they have a whole room dedicated to it, and named for it. But now we’ve advanced so much and sped up our processes that even a lot of doctor visits can be made without even leaving home—set up a simple video chat, and that’s that.

In some cases, eliminating the wait is simply a matter of convenience; in others, however, it’s a matter of importance.

When you have a damage issue arise at home, waiting will cost you more than time. That’s why your local SERVPRO is available 24 hours a day, with no exceptions, for emergency service. Getting started on your cleanup and recovery right away is part of our plan to serve you better and keep the damage to a minimum.

After a fire. The flames aren’t your only issue; what they leave behind can be equally problematic. Sticky, black soot covers cooler spots in your home after a fire, in areas where combustion wasn’t able to finish its process. Tiny particles settle into carpets, fabrics and walls within minutes, staining and further mucking up your already-damaged home.

In only a few hours, the dismal damage done by soot and the malodorous work of smoke become permanent parts of your home, meaning they can only be managed by complete removal of affected drywall, flooring and more.

After water damage. Once water breaks free of its containment somewhere in your home, a countdown to mold begins, and you’ve only got 48 hours to prevent it. After that, mold sets up camp all over surfaces and organic materials in your dampened areas.

Left to grow, mold becomes a structural and medical hazard that can damage both your home and your health.

In addition to these situations, your home can take on any number of acute challenges with the occurrence of a freak storm or natural disaster, and when that happens, you’re left with no time to wait.

It’s good to know that you can click or call SERVPRO anytime, night or day, and get the best team in the industry working the case. Faster to Any Size Disaster is something we take very seriously around here, because time is more than money—it’s an opportunity to save your home from further damage.

When you need help after a home or business disaster, fast service is a priority, and there’s nobody faster or more prepared than SERVPRO. Call us anytime to take advantage of our 24-hour emergency service.

Mind-Boggling Water Damage Numbers | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

12/9/2021 (Permalink)

the underside of a sink showing water damage from leaking pipes If water damage catches you off-guard and leaves you all wet, you’ve got help on your side. Contact SERVPRO of North Fort Worth.

There’s an intense battle going on in your home, wherein your pipes and plumbing systems are trying to keep water at bay, lest it come surging through your home in a flood of aquatic mess.

There are countless connections, valves and hoses that can create issues in your home, and any one of them can release a lot of water very quickly. That’s why it’s urgent that your plumbing and water-using appliances be well-equipped and maintained—so that you can keep the advantage you desperately need in the struggle to contain all that running water.

A few numbers will add context to the seriousness of this discussion.

  1. This is the percentage of all U.S. home insurance claimsfiled due to water damage—a quarter of all claims! This equates to 2% of all homeowners filing a claim each year. That may not sound like a lot, but when you consider how many homes there are in this country…yikes.
  2. You have this many hours to get water damage under control before mold starts growing, and you actually may have less time than that.
  3. This depressing little digit set represents the percentage of basements that will flood or experience water damage at some point. If there’s one kind of water damage that’s almost impossible to avoid, it’s this one.

10,234. This is average cost, in dollars, of a water damage claim. This kind of disaster happens quickly in cases like flooding or burst pipes, and it can really wreak havoc.

14,000. Wrap your brain around this—some 14,000 water disaster events will happen in homes across the country today. That’s not a typo—a water damage scenario happens an average of once every six seconds.

13,000,000,000. All those zeroes represent water damage to a lot of homes, and more specifically the cost to repair them. This is the annual average of water-based insurance claims in the U.S.

Keeping water damage out of your home is a struggle, but you can put yourself in an advantageous position by keeping up with regular maintenance and upgrades in your plumbing, and by replacing appliances, seals and hoses before leaks become bigger problems.

If water damage catches you off-guard and leaves you all wet, you’ve got help on your side. Contact SERVPRO to see how we can quickly and fully restore water damage to your home or business.

Be Prepared for Potential Winter Storms | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

11/22/2021 (Permalink)

Close-up image of a wiper blade wiping away condensation on a car windshield If winter weather should bring damage to your home or business, contact SERVPRO of North Fort Worth for fast, restorative solutions.

If the freeze and subsequent power crisis of 2021 taught us anything, it’s that we north Texans are not immune to freak winter weather. Nobody wants to get caught off-guard like that again, and you’d rightfully do anything you could to avoid it.

So with winter’s next pass on the radar, let’s take a look at a few things you can do to be ready should a surprise storm or extreme winter weather hit the DFW area once again.

Protect Your Family

Whether it’s a hard freeze or other disaster like flooding or even tornadoes, an emergency action plan can be a lifesaver for your family. Get everyone on track and practice the plan regularly.

Prepare your truck or car for winter weather, too. Make sure tires are in proper shape, fluids and batteries are topped and ready, and replace your wipers to keep things visible in winter rain.

Keep your emergency kits stocked in both the house and car, and make sure any medication contained therein is within its consumable date.

Protect Your Home

Frozen pipes are a potential reality during the occasional hard freeze, so if unusually low temperatures come through, be ready to let faucets drip and cover outdoor spigots.

Now’s the time to get your HVAC system maintenance and ready for winter, before winter lows really set in. Have any repairs or updates done while the weather is still mild.

If you use a wood-burning furnace or fireplace, make sure to stock some extra wood for a situation where roads may ice. Otherwise, keep your fireplace clean and ventilated to avoid associated risk from soot or smoke.

Protect Your Pets

Outdoor pets may not be able to take the cold weather—bring them in with you, and set them up somewhere cozy. Keep livestock and horses comfortable by providing them with shelter and a ready water supply. If temperatures drop below freezing, make sure you replenish their water with an unfrozen batch regularly.

Being in north Texas means never fully knowing what to expect in winter, but these tips will help you be well on your way to readiness for unexpected storms or winter weather.

If winter weather should bring damage or flooding to your home or business, contact SERVPRO for fast, restorative solutions.

The 5 Places Fire Is Most Likely to Strike | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

11/5/2021 (Permalink)

a firefighter battling a fire with a water hose in hand Regardless of the cause, the SERVPRO of North Fort Worth team is here for you if your home is affected by fire.

The majority of fires are non-domestic—most of them begin either naturally or accidentally, in nature settings or industrial locations—but not all of them. You may be surprised to learn, in fact, that more than 25% of all reported fires occur at home, as do more than 75% of all fire-related deaths.

With such a number of fires being domestic, you probably want to know, and indeed it’s in your interest to know, where they’re popping up. Let’s take a look.

Cooking. If you roll a six-sided die, you’re as likely as not to roll either an even or odd number. The same probability actually applies to home fires as well—taken statistically, half of all home fires start in the kitchen, and the leading cause thereof is unattended cooking. Want to simply and easily decrease your home’s fire risk? Pay attention and stay in the room while you cook.

Heating equipment. Portable space heaters are a notorious source of home fires. In colder weather, you may use them to cozy up your favorite spot or save some energy, but be aware that they run the risk of causing fires, either by tipping over, overheating or overloading their power sources. And always remember to keep heating elements of any kind safely away from flammable items or materials.

Electrical fires. There’s electrical wiring running throughout your home, and it only takes a little short or a little hot wire to get a fire going. Always make sure your home’s wiring is well-maintained, and don’t increase your fire risk by overusing extension cords, plugging appliances into loose or sparky outlets or overloading lightning fixtures.

Intentional fires. After all this time, some of us are still setting fires on purpose. A reported 28,000 intentional home fires are started each year, causing purposeful damage to property.

Smoking materials. Though it’s the least common way for fires to start at home (only 5% of domestic fires start this way), it’s the most common cause of home fire casualties. Smoking in bed or while impaired is incredibly dangerous, and leads to unfortunate and even deadly scenarios.

Regardless of the cause, SERVPRO is here for you if your home is affected by fire. Contact your local team today to see how we can help.

Spotless Facilities for Businesses of All Kinds | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

10/19/2021 (Permalink)

a SERVPRO employee in PPE prepping an area for cleaning Are you ready to have the cleanest business in town? Contact SERVPRO of North Fort Worth for all your cleaning needs.

When homeowners are faced with damage from fires, floods or other disasters, they know to make the call to SERVPRO for fast, complete recovery.

And business owners know that when troubles befall their businesses, they can take advantage of the same incredible services to get them up and running again.

But did you know there’s a way for us to help business owners at any time, not simply when there’s a disaster? Let’s talk about taking your cleaning game up to the next level.

Commercial Services for Businesses of Any Size

Every business wants a clean feeling and a safe environment, and the state of your facility communicates a lot to your customers as well. That’s why we offer custom cleaning and sanitation for businesses of all types, such as:

Retail shops and grocery stores. Wherever goods and products are being sold, we can help shop owners and department store managers present a bacteria-free experience for teams and shoppers.

Schools, stadiums and arenas. Even regular school desk cleanings are only getting half the bacteria off of desks and high-touch areas. SERVPRO can help you provide a safe environment for learning and athletic activity.

Hospitals and healthcare facilities. Doctors’ offices, nursing homes and hospitals need a special kind of clean to protect patients and staff, and we can give them a safe, bacteria-free space that fosters healing and care.

Hotels, resorts and convention centers. Where people are bustling, attention to sanitation is a priority to keep guests safe. No matter the size, we can keep things sanitized for guests and staff.

Restaurants and food distributors. Whether you’re packing, shipping or serving food, we can make sure your facilities are spotless and hygienic.

Apartment complexes, high rises and business parks. Whether your tenants are individual renters or other businesses, they’ll appreciate you making their health and safety a priority.

Business owners lose $260 billion per year because of employees taking sick days or slowing down as they power through illness at work. With our help, you can cut down on those numbers while simultaneously providing a safer, healthier environment in which to work, shop or learn.

When you’re ready to have the cleanest business in town, we’re ready to help. Contact your local SERVPRO to get the pros working on the cleaning so you can work on the work.

Fire Safety in the Fall | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

9/22/2021 (Permalink)

a small campfire burning bright in the dark night Be mindful about fall fire safety. Always remember that SERVPRO of North Fort Worth is the trusted leader in the restoration industry.

Fall in Fort Worth isn’t exactly the same as in other areas of the country—our average high temperature in mid-September is still in the high 80s, so nobody is breaking out the space heater just yet. But fall does offer a reprieve from the oppressive heat of summer, and we do get the excitement of football and pumpkin-spice everything. It’s cool enough now that you might even hit the campground for a weekend getaway.

Whatever your activities are this fall, make sure you keep fire safety in mind. Home fires and wildfires are always a threat, and autumn is no different.

Campfire Safety

It’s of utmost priority that you know how to safely and properly build your campfire, just as it’s of utmost priority that you know how to put it out.

Stick to the tried-and-trusted method of building your fire with a lighter or matches—don’t ever use an accelerant like kerosene or lighter fluid. Start with simple kindling, then add small sticks and larger wood pieces. It’s slower, but it’s much safer.

Remember that no fire should be left alone, and before you break away from camp your fire should be entirely snuffed. Don’t leave any hot ash or live embers. Use buckets of water to repeatedly cover the fire, until all is cool to the touch.

Leaf Burning

Open burning is legal in unincorporated areas of Tarrant County, provided you’ve been granted permission by the fire marshal.

But if you burn, make sure you do it safely—use a burn barrel if you have one, and keep all fires 50 feet away from your residence and 300 feet from structures on adjacent property. Don’t burn under low tree branches, and don’t burn at night.

Burning anything besides organic yard waste or household trash is prohibited, as construction materials or oils can produce fire and health hazards.


Be careful as you decorate! Fall decor, especially creepy spider webs and hanging items, can present a fire hazard, particularly if you go big on the candles.

Keep the vanilla pumpkin pillars at least three feet away from anything that could ignite. And if you use any string lights for yard decor, plug them directly into outlets (as opposed to extension cords) and unplug them when they’re not in use.

If a fire hazard should turn from potential to reality in your home, remember the trusted leader in the recovery industry and contact SERVPRO to get your property fully restored right down to the smell of smoke.

Common Sources of Home Water Damage | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

9/6/2021 (Permalink)

a leak in ceiling creating water lines running down an interior wall A water leak can turn into a big problem. Contact the SERVPRO of North Fort Worth team if you are dealing with any water damage.

Dealing with water damage probably isn’t on your dream to-do list for today, but unfortunately, we don’t often get advanced notice that we’re going to need to take care of it. With water constantly running in and out of your house, though, there’s a fair chance you’re going to come up against leaks and potential damage eventually.

Let’s look at a few potential problem areas, because if you know where to look, you may be able to prevent some leaks or catch them in their infancy.

Toilets. This oft-used apparatus is structurally solid, but the rubber parts used to seal the holes may wear over time. Check your flapper if water is running into the tank, and check the valve seal under the tank if it’s dripping into the floor.

Appliances. Anything that uses hoses, joints or pipes is a prime candidate for eventual leakage. Washing machines in particular are known for wearing out their supply hoses, so replace that every few years as a matter of course. And when did you install your water heater? Old units are prone not only to leaks, but dangerous and destructive explosions.

Clogged gutters. Gutter backups are highly preventable. Even though it might feel like a hassle to get up on the ladder and clear them out, we promise it’s less of a pain than having to deal with water damage down your walls or dry rot in your attic.

Roof damage. While you’re on that ladder, you can also take a look at your shingles, and you may be able to catch signs of wear before they become an issue. Visually inspect a couple of times each year and after any major storm.

Pipes. Many Texans learned about the danger of frozen pipes in February 2021, and of course, age and oxidation can cause pipes to fail as well. You may even have to deal with tree roots encroaching on your main water line, choking out your water supply or sending it wastefully into the yard. If one section of your yard has particularly green grass, that could be a clue.

Blocked garbage disposals or other pipes. Some foods break apart in the disposal and stick or clump together, creatine an impassable blockage in your drainpipe. Others can soak up great amounts of water or harden and cause problems further down the line. Both may require heavy plunging, which can add unnecessary pressure to the joints of your p-trap.

All running water presents a risk for leaks and damage, but a little care and maintenance may lessen the odds that you’ll have to deal with a major spill at home.

If a water leak erupts into a big problem at home, you’ve got the best team in the business on your side. Contact SERVPRO today so we can get started.

Take Precautions Against Summer Storms | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

8/27/2021 (Permalink)

a large lightning strike in a dark stormy sky If storms cause damage to your home or business, SERVPRO of North Fort Worth is on the line, ready to make things right.

It’s summer in DFW, and that probably means you’ve got a lot happening. The long days call for all kinds of fun in the sun—maybe you’re heading to out to the ball field to watch some baseball, or maybe you’re off to splash around in a pool somewhere and cool off. Wherever you’re headed, however, you’d be wise to pack an umbrella.

It seems a little odd, but the sunniest, warmest time of the year is actually a very active time for thunderstorms. Although our rainiest season peaks just before summer, summer still presents plenty of opportunities for storms to form because of the warm air and atmospheric moisture.

Be Storm-Alert

Storms can form quickly. If you receive an alert or see dark clouds forming, pay attention and take time to prepare. An NOAA Weather radio can help you stay in touch with up-to-the-minute updates and battery power.

Most of the rainfall in Texas comes in the form of thunderstorms, and dry soil can be as prone to flooding as oversaturated soil.

If flooding is possible, you may need to reschedule your plans or cancel outdoor festivities as a precaution. And check your property for anything that may need to be moved or tied down if heavy rains or winds come.

Getting ready for a storm isn’t as fun as watching Joey Gallo take his best cuts, but it can be the difference between keeping yourself safe or putting yourself in danger. Storms are the root cause of dozens of fatalities every year, and most of those occur because people chose to press their luck instead of playing it safe.

Be Storm-Safe

Don’t risk being outdoors during a thunderstorm. The risk of lightning is present until there have been no thunderclaps for at least 30 minutes, so stay inside until the storm has passed on.

Lightning strikes can also present dangers indoors. Avoid showering or taking baths during a storm, and stay clear of windows as well.

Make sure your emergency kit is current and stocked, and consider whether you may need a mobile kit for your vehicle in case you get caught on the road or have to evacuate.

If flooding occurs, stay safe by staying on high ground or the upper level of your house. Don’t drive in it, even with a big truck—a foot of water can carry away a truck or SUV. And don’t touch floodwater if you can help it, because it is often full of contaminants and chemical dangers.

There are any number of dangers that can come into play in a thunderstorm, and it’s always best to be cautious and put things on hold until storms safely pass. If storms cause damage to your home or business, SERVPRO is on the line, ready to make things right again.

Wildfire Protection That Starts in the Yard | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

8/1/2021 (Permalink)

a gated long brown pebble driveway tucked next to a large brick home If your home is damaged by fire or any other reason, SERVPRO of North Fort Worth is ready and able to repair any damage.

One of any Texan’s greatest fears, especially if you have land or livestock, is seeing your property go up in a wildfire, and wildfires are a more frequent perpetrator of property loss than you might imagine. They’re seemingly inexhaustible, and with so much of our world being made of combustible and organic material, it’s a small miracle that we are able to get them contained at all.

But there are ways by which we can shield our homes from wildfire, aside from the simplest and most impactful, which would be simply being more careful.

Today, let’s learn about “defensible space.”

What Is Defensible Space?

It’s not a new Star Trek thing—“defensible space” is a series of buffer zones you can create around your home by getting rid of dry fuel like brush and dead trees, adding gravel, concrete or treated plants near your house, pruning your trees to prevent fire from spreading easily, and keeping plants and trees at safe distances from one another.

Think of it as turning your land into a protective labyrinth (aka defense), designed to shelter your home during a wildfire by minimizing a fire’s fuel sources. Defensible space also gives firefighters their best chance of stopping a wildfire before it reaches your home’s perimeter.

Defensible space isn’t required by law in Texas, but it’s a good fire safety principle all the same.

Why Defensible Space Matters

Wildfires happen more frequently in our area and westward, but there’s a surprising number of wildfires across the country: There were over 59,000 wildfires across the United States in 2020, and even without California’s 10,000+ fires, that’s an average per state of almost a thousand fires.

Texas had the second highest total in 2020, with over 6,700 fires burning up over 256,000 acres of land. And 2021 is shaping up in similar fashion—the number of fires nationwide has increased 25% over the first half of the year.

Anything we can do to shield or protect our property from the scourge of wildfire is a good idea, and defensible space is a simple, practical solution that can yield significant results.

If your home is damaged by fire of any sort, wild or not, SERVPRO is ready and able to repair the damage caused. Get in touch today to get the pros on your team.

2020 and the Increase of Extreme Storms | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

7/8/2021 (Permalink)

a large yellow warning sign stating that there is stormy weather ahead When storms do damage, we go to work to make things right. Contact SERVPRO of North Fort Worth to start the restoration process.

2020 was an all-around awful year for many people, and with many causes. In addition to the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing lockdowns, 2020 also set a new record for nasty weather in the U.S.

In fact, 2020 saw more weather disasters than any previous year for which we have data.

Though many serious weather events happen every year, storms that cause a billion dollars in damages are classified officially as disasters. There were 22 of these official occurrences in 2020, blowing past the previous record of 16, set just a few years ago.

And there were many other non-disaster-level events—so many storms in the Atlantic, in fact, that the Greek alphabet was used by the National Weather Service to name them because the proper name list wasn’t long enough.

We saw our own share of events in the DFW area, including an EF-2 tornado that swept through Arlington in November, with winds up to 115 mph and a width of up to 150 yards.

Not Just Hurricanes

Hurricanes are often thought of as the biggest perpetrators when it comes to costly weather systems, and they definitely can be. But it turns out that the most expensive disasters of 2020 in the contiguous United States were thunderstorms and tornadoes: Fourteen of the year’s 22 weather disasters were thunderstorm systems, including hail and tornadoes they produced.

A single storm system in land-locked Nebraska took out over 100 million acres of corn fields—an area more than 15 times the size of DFW—endangering over 11% of the entire country’s corn production.

Not Just 2020

Unfortunately, it seems that, while 2020 was an extreme example, it is following a rising trend toward more frequent and more costly extreme weather events. The last decade is full, literally, of years in which there have been eight to 10 disasters or more, and 2017 set a new record for damage totals.

Storms are always a concern, no matter the area, and precautions against storm and water damage should always be taken. But if those precautions fail in severe weather, remember that SERVPRO is available 247 for emergency help.

When storms do damage, we go to work to make things right. Contact SERVPRO today to see how we can help.

Creating Confidence in a Post-Pandemic Business Environment | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

6/28/2021 (Permalink)

a SERVPRO employee placing a CSC sticker on building glass If your business has sanitation and cleaning needs, get in touch with the SERVPRO of North Fort Worth team.

With major metro areas like DFW finally gaining significant ground in the area of COVID-19 recovery, hopes are high that “real life” is back to stay, and business owners are highly anticipating a bounceback in the economy as well.

But as customers come back to physical locations and employee teams return to on-site tasks, it’s up to business owners to ensure that their stores and offices are safe environments in which to shop and work.

That’s why your business needs to be Certified: SERVPRO® Cleaned.

Get Certified: SERVPRO® Cleaned

The Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned program uses cutting-edge biohazard solutions and technologies far beyond typical cleaning and janitorial services to give your customers confidence and security. By removing worries about sanitation, we can give your teams and patrons peace of mind about returning to your business without having to worry about potential contagious diseases of any kind, not just the coronavirus.

What makes this program so unique? It’s the three C’s:

Consult. We’ll work together to come up with a custom plan that fits the unique needs of your business context. It helps that SERVPRO of North Fort Worth is locally owned and operated, so we are already accustomed to many of the unique sanitation needs of Texas.

Clean. Once we have a plan in place, we’ll get to work giving your building the kind of clean your customers and employees will notice and appreciate. We’ll be armed with proprietary, cutting-edge cleaning solutions that are already being used to combat deadly threats like anthrax and MRSA. Your building will receive a complete cleaning that meets or surpasses the strictest CDC guidelines. And this clean goes way beyond COVID-19 protection—our unique combination of technology and methodology is a devastating one-two punch to deadly viruses and contagions of all kinds.

Certify. Now you can display the Shield. The Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned shield signifies to customers and employees before they ever set foot in your business that you care about their health and well-being, and that will instill in them the confidence to shop without hesitation and work without fear.

If you’re ready to get serious about sanitation and have your business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, get in touch today to get the best team in cleanup and restoration on your side.

Fire Safety Tips for the Backyard | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

6/22/2021 (Permalink)

flames and smoke from a bonfire Restoring fire and smoke damage is one of our specialties. Contact SERVPRO of North Fort Worth to learn more.

Spring brings a wonderful sense of rebirth and new beginnings. No matter how bad winter might have felt, spring comes with sunshine and growth, and it reminds us that hope is always around the corner.

It also beckons us outdoors to enjoy nature’s beautiful scenery, which of course always reveals the fact that we can’t resist the universal human urge to barbecue.

There are myriad opportunities for backyard gatherings and barbecue occasions in spring and summer—engagement parties, graduation celebrations, family reunions and the list goes on.

And these are great, but unfortunately, they also mean an increase in accidental home fires. In fact, spring sees more daily fires on average than any other time of year.

So let’s look at a few of the usual suspects and see what you can do to avoid fire accidents this grilling season.

The grill. The grill is the most dangerous of your typical backyard activities. It’s centered around fire and combustible elements, combined with dripping, pooling grease and possibly even gas. So follow the grill safety habits necessary to operate it safely: Check your grill to make sure it’s in proper working order, on solid, level ground, and away from anything flammable. Don’t use any liquid accelerants to make it burn hotter or faster, and don’t forget to clean it well between uses. Almost 20% of grill fires are due to poor cleaning.

The fire pit. The fire pit is the perfect place for conversation and company, not to mention roasted marshmallows. Just do it safely: Keep a bucket of water within reach to douse errant flames or embers, as well as to slowly extinguish the fire when the night is through. Keep careful watch over the fire at all times, keeping children and pets at a safe distance. And as tempting as adding leaves or pine needles may be, don’t do it or you risk sending flying embers toward your home or whatever is downwind.

Chimneys and dryer vents. While you’re in fire safety mode, take care of your chimney now that you’re not using your fireplace. Clean out the layers of ash and soot so they’re not a problem in the fall. And check your dryer’s ventilation pipe. Lint that manages to escape the clutches of the filter hides out in the vent pipe and waits for the right time to catch fire.

Your local SERVPRO technicians are on hand 247 for emergencies. If you encounter fire damage at your home or business, no matter the cause, we will be there faster and have it cleaned up sooner. Call or click today and experience the SERVPRO difference.

What Is the Most Common Sign of Water Damage in a Basement? | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

6/3/2021 (Permalink)

a grey basement showing signs of water damage SERVPRO of North Fort Worth is a full restoration company. Our team of experts are on call and ready to help you determine the best course of action.

A basement is a great space to have in any home. These spaces can be used for additional storage, extra livable space and can serve as a safe place to go in the event of threatening inclement weather, which Cowtown is certainly no stranger to.

However, since basements are underground, the challenges they face are unique to this part of the house, especially when it comes to water damage.

It is a good idea to set up habits and practices that include regularly checking your basement for water damage over the course of your time in the home. Below, we will address some of the more common signs that water damage presents in the basement and how we can help in the event of said damage.

3 Most Common Signs of Basement Water Damage

Unpleasant, musty odors. Water that comes into your basement and remains stagnant for a long period of time before evaporating can leave behind a pungent and unpleasant smell. This smell is commonly associated with basements, but it is a misconception to believe that all basements have this smell by default. This smell can only happen when there is mold and mildew present in the environment.

Paint chipping on the walls or masonry. While waterproof paint is applied in many homes under good intentions, this paint is not completely impenetrable and can be broken down over time by a leaky basement. Water that seeps in can work its way through the paint and eventually lead to peeling, cracking or bubbling on the surface.

Cracks in the foundation. While some cracks can be caused by a number of reasons, cracks in the foundation of a home can be a sign of water damage and should be treated by a professional immediately if they are larger than a hairline crack. These cracks can appear in the ceiling, floor or the walls and can be a sign of water that is putting pressure on the structure in a way that is causing the cracking.

If you suspect you may have water damage in your basement, call us to see how we can help diagnose the problem and then determine a plan to restore your home. Contact us today!

Make the Right Choices When You Need Home Restoration | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

4/22/2021 (Permalink)

insurance document, pen and blue book sitting on black tabletop Contact SERVPRO of North Fort Worth today. We work with you and your insurance company to get things back to normal quickly.

If you’re buying or renting a home, you probably have a lot on your mind. It’s understandable. After all, there’s a lot to consider.

You may think about what works for your budget, whether or not the property has an HOA or the school zone that works best for your family.

But have you put any thought into a home restoration service? If not, now is a good time to start considering it.

Damage Is More Common Than You Think

The Insurance Information Institute collects statistics about homeowners insurance claims. Overall, one in 20 homeowners will file a damage claim this year.

We also have some statistics about individual types of disasters and issues, though. For example, about one out of every 350 American homeowners will deal with a fire damage claim each year. Those claims include everything from appliance fires to lightning strikes.

Water damage claims will be filed by about one in 50 homeowners.

That translates to millions of American homeowners, and some of these homeowners will need to seek help from restoration professionals to restore their home. That’s where choosing a quality restoration company will make all the difference for you.

Our Technicians Are Ready to Work

Beyond the training offered by SERVPRO at a national level, our technicians earn valuable certifications through the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Certification. This non-profit group provides various certifications to ensure restoration and cleaning technicians can use the latest proven techniques when restoring your home.

Our commitment to training means you can trust that everything we offer and suggest is in line with the industry’s best practices. It will give you added peace of mind when you reach out to us. You can be sure we’ll do everything possible to restore your home.

If your home is damaged due to a fire or any other cause, you can always count on us for restoration assistance. We have teams who are available 247 in the event of an emergency. Contact us at any time to learn more about our restoration services and how we can help your family.

Take the Right Steps to Protect Your Home From Heavy Rains | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

4/5/2021 (Permalink)

bright blue rain splashing into a pool of water If you need help dealing with any damage caused by water, contact SERVPRO of North Fort Worth today at 817-232-3333.

Here’s an important fact for Fort Worth homeowners to consider. One out of every 50 American homeowners will likely file a water damage claim in 2021.

Depending on how many people you know, that means more than one of your friends, family members, coworkers or acquaintances might file a water damage claim. So if you find yourself dealing with home water damage, you definitely aren’t alone.

Water damage can come from a variety of sources. Most homeowners think about things like natural disasters or major appliance or plumbing malfunctions. But more common issues can also cause damage to your home.

Heavy Rains Can Damage Your Home

Heavy rains probably aren’t the first thing you consider when thinking about ways water can damage your home. But over time, rain can cause significant damage to your property if you don’t take the right precautions.

Thoughtful planning can actually go a long way toward protecting your home.

Control Your Risk for Rain Damage

Our team sees many water-damaged homes, so we have a lot of knowledge of some of the ways water can damage a home. That means we can offer tips that can help you avoid it, too. Here are some things experts recommend:

Understand how your yard drains. Knowing how your yard drains is key to protecting your home. If the water in your yard drains toward your home, then you may want to connect with a landscaping expert. They can help you find ways to protect your yard.

Consider using native plants. The flowers and shrubs you choose can do more for your home than add to the curb appeal. Landscaping can help protect your home from water damage, especially if you choose native plants. Talk to a local expert about native plants or visit a native plant sale.

Explore sealing your roof. Experts estimate that almost 95% of damage is caused by water finding its way through gaps in your shingles, which can be prevented with this step. Consult a roofing specialist.

If you need help dealing with damage caused by water, fire or any other issue, we’re here to help you restore your home. We have crews who are available 247 in the event of an emergency. Contact us at any time to learn more about us and how we can help you restore your home to its original state.

What Business Owners Need to Know About Opening Up Now in Fort Worth | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

4/3/2021 (Permalink)

a crew of SERVPRO employees in PPE gear walking inside commercial building If you need cleaning assistance at your business, we’re here. Contact SERVPRO of North Fort Worth to learn more.

We serve the Fort Worth community by helping homeowners and business owners restore their property after a disaster strikes. But we also want to support other business owners in their efforts to succeed, too.

If you’re a business owner, we want you to know how important the services and jobs you provide are to all of us. We know your business is important to you personally, too. If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you’ve done a lot of work to get to where you are now.

Even the most detailed plan can’t predict everything, though. Over the past year, we’ve been dealing with the unpredictable challenges that stemmed from the global COVID-19 pandemic. It has changed how most of us interact with clients, add value and meet our customers’ needs.

Many businesses have already opened their doors again or found ways to serve their customers digitally. Regardless of how you and your employees are moving forward, you can find help and resources for your situation.

Resources to Help You Navigate Uncertain Times

Your customers and community want you to be a success. Resources and tools with information about business loans and tips, advice, and more are available from sources you can trust.

Keeping your business clean is vital now, too.

We’re available at any time to help you get your business clean and prepared for customers. That means a team of experts will use the latest technology to ensure your business is safe for everyone.

Here’s a closer look at what we can do:

First, we’ll consult with you about ways to help you clean and prepare your business.

Next, a team of experts will clean your space using our proprietary EPA-Approved Hospital-Grade cleaning solutions. Plus, we use cleaning and decontamination standards directly from the CDC.

When we’re finished, you can rest assured that you’re ready to be open for business.

If you need cleaning assistance at your business, we’re here. We have crews who are available 247 in the event of an emergency. Contact us at any time at 817-232-3333 to learn more about our cleaning services and how we can help you.

Be Sure Your Home Is Spring Storm-Safe l SERVPRO of North Fort Worth

3/23/2021 (Permalink)

heavy rain coming down from dark clouds If you experience any property damage from spring storms, contact SERVPRO of North Fort Worth.

Texans endured a surprising winter this year, including a late-season snowstorm and a pandemic. If you’re one of the millions of us who are ready for spring to get here, you aren’t alone.

Spring fever is expected in the Fort Worth area this year, and many residents are excited about the changes a new season will bring. That includes longer, sunny days and the chance to spend more time outdoors.

No matter if you’re planning to take a weekend hiking trip or spend your spring grilling in your backyard, there are plenty of ways to relax and enjoy this new season.

While you’re dreaming of how you’ll spend the spring, it’s a good idea to consider doing some important projects around the house, too. One of the biggest threats during spring is that your home will be impacted by severe weather, like thunderstorms.

Sometimes, these storms are intense and can even include heavy winds, hail and torrential rain.

There’s nothing we can do to stop a storm from impacting our homes and families. But there’s plenty we can do to help them stay safer when it does.

Here’s how you can put your home in the best position to weather the coming storms.

Important Spring Storm Safety Projects

These projects are worth a spot on our spring to-do list:

Make removing overhanging limbs and branches a priority. Anything that’s hanging over your roof or garage can fall and damage it when the winds get strong. Remove this hazard by trimming your trees.

Declutter your home’s gutters. This project will keep the water around your house moving in the right direction (away) instead of backing up and causing water damage.

Check your roof for damage. Be sure your roof doesn’t have any missing shingles or leaks. Repairing them will make your home safer.

Look for ways to secure loose items around your home. Don’t let unsecured furniture or other similar items become tools for wind damage. Trim back trees that need it and secure everything you can.

If a fire, flood or any other cause damage to your home, you can always count on us for restoration assistance. We are available 247 in the event of an emergency. Contact us at any time to learn more about our restoration services and how we can help you.

Guiding Fort Worth Businesses Through Disaster Restoration l SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

3/18/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO employee wearing black shirt reviewing restoration plans on tablet SERVPRO of North Fort Worth knows the commercial restoration process inside and out. Here are some tips in choosing the right restoration company.

As a Fort Worth community member, we want local businesses to succeed and thrive—even after a disaster.

So our team has pulled together some of the information and advice they need to ensure their companies can be quickly and efficiently restored after a fire, flood or another natural disaster.

Walking Through the Restoration Process

Here are some of our team’s best advice members can offer to help local business owners through the steps to restore their business after a fire, flood or other natural disasters:

Don’t forget to let your disaster plan guide you. It can be hard to focus after your business is damaged. You can use your disaster plan to help you move forward. Review your list and follow the steps you laid out before the disaster.

Take photos and an inventory. Before you start cleaning up, take plenty of pictures of the damage and make a thorough list of any destroyed, damaged or lost items. If you can, add their values, too. Photos and lists are the type of information your insurance company will need.

Look for ways to help your employees. The people who work in your business will be affected by the disaster, too. Look for resources to help through organizations like the Small Business Administration (SBA).

Keep the people who matter to your business in the loop. Don’t neglect reaching out to your suppliers, your employees, your customers and your community..

Be strategic when you’re selecting your partners. Working with a trusted restoration resource in the community can ensure the work is done right—and that your business is back to its original state before you open your doors again.

If your business is damaged due to fire, water or any other cause, you can always count on us for restoration assistance. We have crews who are available 247 in the event of an emergency. Contact us at any time to learn more about our restoration services and how we can help you.

Where to Look for Water Damage at Your Home | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

2/3/2021 (Permalink)

standing water laying on white marble bathroom floor If you need help with water damage remediation, you can depend on us. SERVPRO of North Fort Worth is available 24/7 for emergency services.

Do you know where to find hidden water damage in your home?

Many homeowners don’t, even though water damage is the No. 1 reason American families need help restoring their homes. In fact, experts estimate that one in 50 homeowners will file a water damage claim this year. That means literally millions of homes will need water damage repair and remediation this year.

Finding Hidden Damage

Water damage can be hard to find, hiding in spots like the window panes. The good news is that you can find signs early and save yourself both time and money in repairs if you know where to look.

Here’s where you may want to look for water damage:

Around the window panes and door frames. These spots can hide the damage that can be particularly difficult to find an equally important to notice. Warped or compromised doors and windows can allow water into your home.

Behind your appliances. Check your cords and hoses in the kitchen regularly to ensure water damage isn’t hiding behind your refrigerator or dishwasher. While you’re inspecting your kitchen, tighten any hoses that are loose to help prevent leaks.

In the air. You can’t see water issues in the air, but you can generally smell them. The beginnings of mold and mildew have been described as having a musty, unique odor. If you notice that in your home, then it’s time to have your property evaluated.

If you see the signs of water damage, the smart thing to do is get the restoration process started as quickly as you can. Water damage worsens over time, and it lends itself to more extensive repairs if it’s left unchecked for too long.

If you notice these early signs, timely intervention can ultimately save you time and money. It will be easier to put your home back to its original state and protect your investment.

If your home is damaged due to water or any other cause, you can always count on us for restoration assistance. We have teams who are available 247 in the event of an emergency. Contact us at any time to learn more about our restoration services and how we can help your family.

Simple Steps for Preventing Winter Fires | SERVPRO® of North Fort Worth

1/29/2021 (Permalink)

large image of red, yellow and orange flames House fires tend to peak during the winter. The SERVPRO of North Fort Worth team is available 24/7 in the event of an emergency.

You’re more likely to suffer a house fire during the winter than during any other season during the year. In fact, insurance industry experts say that as many as 890 people die from house fires every winter.

That number doesn’t count the Americans injured in house fires or the damaged homes and lost property. Not every fire can be prevented because some are caused by natural disasters or accidents that couldn’t be predicted. But many more are caused by appliances and accidents that can be prevented.

The good news is you can take small steps that can put you in the best shape possible to ensure that your home is safe.

Making Fire Prevention Easier

We’ve pulled together this simple list that can help you incorporate fire safety into your daily routine:

Work to make your kitchen safer. Grease catches fire quickly.. Water may cause them to grow, so you can’t put them out with water. Keep a fire extinguisher in your kitchen to put out these dangerous fires. Baking soda or a metal lid will work, too.

Have your furnace serviced. Even if your furnace seems to be working fine, it’s a good idea to have a professional check it. If your vents are clogged, or your blades are dirty, it can be a fire hazard.

Be careful about how you place candles. If candles are burning when you leave home or placed in a spot where they can be easily knocked over, then they can start a fire. Blow them out instead of leaving them burning. And never place them somewhere a child or pet can knock them over.

If your home is damaged due to a fire or any other cause, you can always count on us for restoration assistance. We have teams who are available 247 in the event of an emergency. Contact us at any time to learn more about our restoration services and how we can help your family.

Preparing Your Fort Worth Area Home For Winter

1/29/2021 (Permalink)

snowman in front of house SERVPRO of North Fort Worth is available to respond to your storm damage loss. Let us assist with stressful details so you can have fun outdoors.

You only need to spend a short time making sure your Fort Worth home is in great shape for the winter, but it will give you peace of mind and help to prevent expensive problems.

  1. Schedule an inspection for the HVAC system or furnace and change the filters.
  2. Check the drainage in your yard and around the foundation of your house, and clean out the rain gutters around the roof.
  3. Clean your chimney and fireplace.
  4. Test the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, and replace the batteries if needed.
  5. Cover the outdoor faucets and protect pipes.
  6. Check your trees. Remove dead trees or dead branches, and make sure no branches are touching your roof or your home’s exterior walls.
  7. Contact your utility company to get an energy audit.
  8. Put away your yard care equipment and patio furniture.
  9. Pack a survival kit of food, water, flashlights, and essential things you will need if the power goes off.

If you do notice water in your home from a heavy storm or a broken pipe, be sure to call SERVPRO of North Fort Worth right away at (817) 232-3333.

Moving to Fort Worth?

1/20/2021 (Permalink)

Technician creating contents inventory list on an iPad. SERVPRO of North Fort Worth technicians will inventory your affected contents after a fire or flood loss.

Whether you are thinking about preparedness, moving to a new home, updating your homeowner’s insurance, or perhaps making a significant purchase, now is a great time to create an inventory list of your belongings. You cannot predict when your home will be affected by flooding or fire damage, and you need to be able to report your losses accurately to your insurance carrier.

Having an organized list or spreadsheet and photos of your belongings will make it quick and easy to submit a contents claim to your insurance company.  This process is much easier to do when everything is in place and you have a clear head, instead of when you have just had a flood, fire, or burglary.  Once you create the inventory, you will simply add in new purchases or make other updates a few times each year.   

One easy way to do this, is to create a video of your home and narrate it as you go.  You can go from room to room, and even read off serial numbers, model information and more.  Even better would be to use an app on your smart phone or an inventory tool provided by your insurance carrier. Check with your insurance agent to see what is available. Document each item’s description, purchase date and price, serial number, and photo. Break up the project into manageable parts by inventorying just one room or category (i.e. electronics or furniture) at a time. Be sure to save a copy in the cloud or off-site in case of catastrophe.

If you do have a loss that affects your belongings, SERVPRO of North Fort Worth is here to help. Call us at 817-232-3333, and we will be happy assist with either contents restoration or haul-away of non-salvageable items.

What to do when Sewage affects your Fort Worth Business

1/20/2021 (Permalink)

Technician wearing PPE and disinfecting a bathroom. SERVPRO of North Fort Worth technicians are fully trained in water restoration as well as cleaning and disinfecting services.

Sewage? What should you do? Panic? Shout?

Imagine you arrive at your business tomorrow morning and immediately notice the disturbing sight and foul odor of raw sewage and contaminated water on the floor. Unfortunately, back-ups happen. It could be due to a plumbing issue, a result of work on the city sewer system, or even vandalism.

First, stay out of affected areas as much as possible and avoid contact with contaminated surfaces. Don’t walk through the wet areas or touch items that appear contaminated.

Limit the air movement in the building. Don’t use the HVAC system or set up fans to dry the wet areas. Contaminants can become airborne and spread to unaffected surfaces and to other rooms.

Call SERVPRO of North Fort Worth at 817-232-3333 so we can get a crew dispatched to your location, start on clean up right away, and minimize interruption to your business.

Water Damage When You Are Out Of Town

1/20/2021 (Permalink)

Washing machine, laundry room. SERVPRO of North Fort Worth is a resource you can count on anytime water damage affects your home.

“Y’all are awesome!” – C.R.

When this Fort Worth, TX customer contacted us last week, her washing machine had just overflowed as she was leaving town for a business trip. We dispatched a crew right over to her house, took care of the water and set up drying equipment, and sent her daily photos and updates throughout the job.  She trusted our team, and by the time she returned to her house it was dry and comfortable again.

Water loss from a supply line, roof leak, or any variety sources can easily happen when you are out of town.

At SERVPRO of North Fort Worth, we love being a resource you can count on anytime, day or night. We are available 24/7 to take care of water damage emergencies. We can even coordinate all the details for you, to put your house back to preloss condition: “Like it never even happened.” For example, we can arrange for a plumber if you need one.  We can also handle any rebuild services that are needed. Call our office at (817) 232-3333, and let our trained team alleviate some of the stress that comes up when water damage happens to your home.

Home Fire Pit Tips

1/2/2021 (Permalink)

Fall, winter, and spring are when North Texan’s enjoy their fire pits.  We gather outside and spend the evenings with friends and family.  This is even more so in the time of social distancing.  Before you start dreaming of moonlit nights and toasted marshmallows, take a moment to check out some of these tips from Allstate to remember.

Backyard Fire Pit Safety Tips:

  • Whether you prefer a built-in or portable fire pit, choose one that is not too large for the area. The pit should be a minimum of 10 feet away from any structures or combustible materials as well as away from trees, fences, sheds, power lines, and telephone wires.
  • Make sure that the seating area is large enough and properly placed for comfort and ventilation.
  • Check wind direction before lighting a fire.
  • Don’t use flammable fluids (gasoline, lighter fluid, etc.) to light or relight fires.
  • To start the fire, use a lighter to ignite crumpled pieces of paper covered with small sticks. Then, add larger sticks and a log or two to keep it burning. 
  • Burn only dry material. Damp material will create excess smoke. 
  • Don’t wear flammable clothing (like nylon) or any loose-fitting clothing.
  • Never leave the fire unattended, and keep pets and children far away from the fire as they will be attracted to it.
  • Keep a fire extinguisher, garden hose, or bucket of water nearby.
  • As the fire dies down, use a shovel and spread out the ashes to allow them to cool down. Then slowly pour water over those ashes and watch them closely to be sure that no burning embers remain or reignite. Put the cooled ashes in a specially designated ash storage metal can. 

If your fire just happens to get away from you and you have fire damage, SERVPRO of North Fort Worth is Ready to Help.  Call us at (817) 232-3333 and we will be there in a moment's notice.

Heavy Rainfall Brings Water Damage

1/2/2021 (Permalink)

While water damage is typically associated with events like flooding or plumbing malfunctions, heavy rain can also cause its own set of issues regarding water damage around the house.  Areas around Fort Worth are subject to potential downpours at any time of the year.

Heavy rain is considered rainfall at rates over 0.3 inches per hour and can work its way into much smaller vulnerabilities in your home. To help you better prepare and avoid water damage, we have put together a list of how these rapid rainfall rates can cause issues.

How Heavy Rains Cause Household Water Damage

Backup of clogged gutters

Clogged gutters can cause significant damage to your home after heavy rains. If there is debris in the gutters, it will be difficult for water to drain away, which can then result in leaks from puddles as the water is left standing against the roofline.

Leaks around windows and doors

Windows and doors are supposed to be sealed against the elements, but as their weatherproofing ages, it can deteriorate as well. When heavy rains roll through, water can find its way into minuscule cracks and cause damages.

Poor drainage around the foundation

If your home is at the bottom of a hill or does not have adequate drainage around the foundation, heavy rains can build up against the base of your home and lead to leaks in your basement or crawl spaces.

Leaks in and around the roof

Roof leaks are one of the leading consequences of heavy rains, and they can sneak up suddenly. All it takes is for a shingle to be scraped away or a weak spot to form and rainwater can begin seeping in as it falls.

Malfunctioning of a sump pump system

For homes with sump pumps, doing regular maintenance and checking for issues is key—otherwise, the pump system can get overwhelmed and will not be able to effectively move water away from the home.

Leaks around chimneys and skylights

Houses with chimneys and skylights tend to be more vulnerable to heavy rains than homes without them. While they are nice features to have, the seals where they meet with the roof can grow vulnerable over time and become overwhelmed when rainfall is heavy.

Remember to stay safe and get excess water cleaned up professionally to minimize the chance of mold growth. Our SERVPRO of North Fort Worth team is Ready to Help at a moment's notice with any of your water mitigation emergencies. Give our team a call at (817) 232-3333.

Commercial Mold Damage Tips

1/2/2021 (Permalink)

If your commercial building recently experienced water damages, you're probably unsure of the next step. Not only are you worried about property damage from the water, but you also have to worry about mold in your business. Mold can affect indoor air quality, can cause significant property damage, and can cause a foul smell that even the best deodorization techniques can't get rid of! Follow these tips if you're dealing with residential or commercial mold in Birmingham, AL.  

  1. Get Rid of Moisture - This is the very first step! Before the mold can be properly addressed, as much moisture as possible needs to be removed. If there is standing water, it can be dangerous to walk into your home or commercial property, so please make sure you can safely enter the building or structure.
  2. Protect Yourself  - You just never really know what can be floating around in standing water that can hurt you. For example, electrical wiring. You don't want to endure an electrical shock. Once you know you can safely enter, protect yourself by wearing protective clothing, such as gloves and a face mask.
  3. Hire a Professional - The best thing you can do is leave it to the experts. Rely on a team of professionals to help get your home or business back in tip-top shape. Experts can come in and assess the true extent of the damage and help ensure all of the molds are properly remediated. We promise it could save you a lot of time, money, and headaches in the future. 

SERVPRO of North Fort Worth is ready to help you ensure your commercial property is cleaned and ready to support your business. Give our team a call at (817) 232-3333

Preparing for Spring Storms

1/2/2021 (Permalink)

Severe storm season is just a couple months away. North Texas has been a target very often. Many times when moments like this occur, our cities and towns are not able to hand the onslaught of rain due to the fact it may not be typical to get so much in such a little time. Below are some tips which were provided by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) to help you prepare your home or business for a flood.

Before the Flood:

  • Have a qualified professional elevate the furnace, water heater, and electric panel is susceptible to flooding.
  • Install "check valves" in sewer traps to prevent floodwater from backing up into the drains of your home or business.
  • Seal walls in basements with waterproofing compounds to help avoid seepage.

During the Flood:

  • Turn off all utilities at the main switches or valves if instructed to do so.
  • Disconnect electrical appliances.
  • Do not touch electrical equipment if you are wet or standing in water.
  • Do not walk through moving water.  Even six inches or moving water can make you fall.

After the Flood:

  • Listen for news reports to learn if the community's water supply is safe to drink.
  • Avoid floodwaters.  Water may be contaminated by oil, gasoline, or raw sewage.  Water may also be electrically charged.
  • Stay out of any building if it is surrounded by floodwaters.
  • Return home only when authorities indicate it is safe.

As always, our team at SERVPRO of North Fort Worth is part of the larger, national Brand of SERVPRO Industries. In the event of a storm or flood, our teams have the ability to call in reinforcements. Know that you can trust SERVPRO of North Fort Worth to put your home or business back together, “Like it never even happened.”


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